




Anul 2023

  1. Activated natural zeolites for beer filtration: A pilot scale approach, Marin Senila, Teodora Emilia Coldea, Lacrimioara Senila, Elena Mudura, Oana Cadar ,Heliyon Volume 9, Issue 9, September 2023, e20031 IF=4
  2. Advancing microbiome research with machine learning: key findings from the ML4Microbiome COST action., D’Elia D, Truu J, Lahti L, Berland M, Papoutsoglou G, Ceci M, Zomer A, Lopes MB, Ibrahimi E, Gruca A, Nechyporenko A, Suharoschi R., et al. ,Frontiers in Microbiology. 2023;14. IF=5.2
  3. An Overview of Analytical Methods for Quantitative Determination of Coenzyme Q10 in Foods By Podar, Andersina Simina,Semeniuc, Cristina Anamaria,Ionescu, Simona Raluca,Socaciu, Maria-Ioana,Fogarasi, Melinda,Farcas, Anca Corina,Vodnar, Dan Cristian,Socaci, Sonia Ancuta ,METABOLITES, Volume 13 Issue 2 DOI10.3390/metabo13020272 Article Number 272 Published FEB 2023 IF=4.1
  4. An overview of analytical methods for quantitative determination of coenzyme Q10 in foods, Podar, A.S., Semeniuc, C.A., Ionescu, S.R., Socaciu, M.-I., Fogarasi, M., Fărcaș, A.C., Vodnar, D.C., Socaci, S.A. ,Metabolites, 2023, 13(2), Article ID 272 IF=4.1
  5. An overview of the chemical composition and bioactivities of Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash essential oil Authors Andreea David, Anca Fărcaș, Sonia Ancuța Socaci ,Trends in Food Science & Technology, Volume 140, 2023, 104153, ISSN 0924-2244, IF=15.3
  6. Analysis of Major Royal Jelly Proteins Stability and Ligand Binding by Differential Scanning Fluorimetry., Mureşan Ci, Dezmirean Ds, Suharoschi R, Borsai O. ,Bulletin Of University Of Agricultural Sciences And Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca-Food Science And Technology, 2022, 79 (1), 76-86 IF=0.7
  7. Anthocyanins from Agro-Industrial Food Waste: Geographical Approach and Methods of Recovery—A Review, Diaconeasa, Z.; Iuhas, C.I.; Ayvaz, H.; Mortas, M.; Farcaş, A.; Mihai, M.; Danciu, C.; Stanilă, A. ,Plants 2023, 12, 74. IF=4.5
  8. Anthocyanins from Agro-Industrial Food Waste: Geographical Approach and Methods of Recovery-A Review., Diaconeasa, Z.; Iuhas, C.I.; Ayvaz, H.; Mortas, M.; Farcas, A.; Mihai, M.; Danciu, C.; Stanila, A. ,Plants-Basel 2023, 12, doi:10.3390/plants12010074. IF=4.5
  9. Antibacterial and Phytochemical Screening of Artemisia Species By Bordean, ME ; Ungur, RA ; Toc, DA ; Borda, IM ; Martis, GS ; Pop, CR ; Filip, M ; Vlassa, M ; Nasui, BA ; Pop, A ; Cinteza, D ; Popa, FL Marian, S ; Szanto, LG ; Muste, S ,Antioxidants 2023, 12(3), 596 IF=7
  10. Antiproliferative and pro-apoptotic effect against HaCaT human keratinocytes of hydrogels containing polymeric micelles as delivery systems for oregano essential oil., Danciu, C.; Avram, S.; Minda, D.; Mut, A.M.; Vlaia, L.; Dehelean, C.; Iftode, A.; Diaconeasa, Z.; Olariu, I.V.; Coneac, G.H.; et al. Planta Medica 2022, 88, 1553-1553, doi:10.1055/s-0042-1759294. , IF=4.3
  11. Assessment of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Landraces for Their Agronomic, Biochemical Characteristics and Resistance to Phytophthora infestans By Maxim, Aurel,Albu, Vasile Cristian,Vodnar, Dan Cristian,Mihaiescu, Tania,Mang, Stefania Mirela,Camele, Ippolito,Trotta, Vincenzo,Bonomo, Maria Grazia,Mihalescu, Lucia,Sandor, Mignon,Ranga,Floricuta,Borsai Orsolya ,Agronomy-Basel, Volume 13 Issue 1 DOI10.3390/agronomy13010021 Article Number 21 Published JAN 2023 IF=3.7
  12. Bioactive Potential of Elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.): Antioxidant, Antimicrobial Activity, Bioaccessibility and Prebiotic Potential Autori Ioana Mariana Haș, Bernadette-Emőke Teleky, Katalin Szabo, Elemer Simon, Floricuta Ranga, Zorița Maria Diaconeasa, Anamaria Lavinia Purza, Dan-Cristian Vodnar, Delia Mirela Tit, Maria Nițescu ,Jurnal Molecules, 2023, Volumul 28 Numărul 7 Pagini 3099 IF=4.6
  13. Bioavailability, Therapeutic Effects, Current Pharmaceutical/Industrial Use, and Innovation Potential., Ayvaz, H.; Cabaroglu, T.; Akyildiz, A.; Pala, C.U.; Temizkan, R.; Ağçam, E.; Ayvaz, Z.; Durazzo, A.; Lucarini, M.; Direito, R.; et al. Anthocyanins: Metabolic Digestion, ,Antioxidants 2023, 12, 48, doi:10.3390/antiox12010048 IF=7
  14. Biotics (Pre-, Pro-, Post-) and Uremic Toxicity: Implications, Mechanisms, and Possible Therapies; Autori: Mitrea, L; Medeleanu, M; Pop, CR; Rotar, AM; Vodnar, DC ,Toxins, 2023, 15, 548. IF=4.2
  15. Black mulberry (Morus nigra L.) fruits: As a medicinal plant rich in human health-promoting compounds; Ebru Sakar, Sezai Ercisli, Romina Alina Marc, Hatice Gulen, Amine Assouguem*, Riaz Ullah, Abdelaaty A. Shahat, Ahmed Bari, Abdellah Farah ,Open Chemistry 2023; 21: 20220323 IF=2.3
  16. Blackthorn—A Valuable Source of Phenolic Antioxidants with Potential Health Benefits, Negrean, O.-R., Farcas, A. C., Pop, O. L., & Socaci, S. A. ,Molecules, 2023, 28(8), 3456 IF=4.6
  17. Brij-58 supplementation enhances menaquinone-7 biosynthesis and secretion in Bacillus natto, Yi Y, Jin X, Chen M, Coldea TE, Yang H, Zhao H ,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2023 Aug;107(16):5051-5062. doi: 10.1007/s00253-023-12640-y. Epub 2023 Jun 26. PMID: 37358810. IF=5
  18. Cardiometabolic Risk: Characteristics of the Intestinal Microbiome and the Role of Polyphenols Autori Ioana Mariana Haș, Delia Mirela Tit, Simona Gabriela Bungau, Flavia Maria Pavel, Bernadette-Emoke Teleky, Dan Cristian Vodnar, Cosmin Mihai Vesa ,International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, Volumul 24 Numărul 18 Pagini 13757 IF=5.6
  19. Characterization of some Fagaceae kernels nutritional composition for potential use as novel food ingredients, Maria-IoanaSocaciua, CristinaAnamaria Semeniuca, ElenaAndruţa Mureşana, Andreea Pușcaș, Anda Tanislav, Floricuța Ranga, Francisc Dulf, Emöke Páll, Alina Maria Truță, Claudia Paşca, Daniel Severus, Dezmirean , Vlad Mureşan ,Food Chemistry, 2022, Volume 406, 16 April 2023, 135053,nevalidat an precedent, lipsa WOS IF=8.8
  20. Chemical Composition of Essential Oils from Nepeta transcaucasica Grossh. and Nepeta cataria L. Cultivated in Bulgaria and Their Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activity Silviya Mollova, Anatoli Dzhurmanski, Hafize Fidan,* Dimitar Bojilov, Stanimir Manolov, Ivayla Dincheva, Stanko Stankov, Albena Stoyanova, Sezai Ercisli, Amine Assouguem, Romina Alina Marc, Riaz Ullah, and Ahmed Bari ,ACS Omega 2023, 8, 15441−15449 IF=4.1
  21. Chemometric Comparison and Classification of 22 Apple Genotypes Based on Texture Analysis and Physico-Chemical Quality Attributes, Andruța E. Mureșan, ,Adriana F. Sestras, Mădălina Militaru,Adriana Păucean, Anda E. Tanislav, Andreea Pușcaș, ,Mădălina Mateescu ,Vlad Mureșan, ,Romina A. Marc (Vlaic), Radu E. Sestras ,Horticulturae 2022, 8(1), 64; nevalidat in 2022 IF=3.1
  22. Citrus essential oils – Based nano-emulsions: Functional properties and potential applications., Medeleanu, M.L.; Fa, A.C.; Coman, C.; Leopold, L.; Diaconeasa, Z.; Socaci, S.A. ,Food Chemistry-X 2023, 20, doi:10.1016/j.fochx.2023.100960. IF=6.1
  23. Cold pressed pumpkin seed oil fatty acids, carotenoids, volatile compounds profiles and infrared fingerprints as affected by storage time and wax-based oleogelation, Pușcaș, A., Mureșan, A., Socaci, S., Dulf, F., Muste, S., Fetea, F., Semeniuc, C.A., Bunea, A., Mureșan, V., Pintea, A. ,Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2023, 103(2), pp.680-691 IF=4.1
  24. Comparative Assessment of Phenolic Compounds from Authentic Wine Varieties from North-Western Romania from the 2021-2022 Harvest, Bogdan Florin Hodișan, Floricuța Ranga, Elena-Suzana Biriș-Dorhoi1*, Anca-Corina Fărcaș, Maria Tofană ,60| VOLUME 80 ISSUE 2 | NOVEMBER, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Food Science and Technology IF=0
  25. Comparative Study of Raw and Dehydrated Boletus edulis Mushrooms by Hot Air and Centrifugal Vacuum Processes: Functional Properties and Fatty Acid and Aroma Profiles, ,Appl. Sci. 2023, 13(6), 3630; IF=2.7
  26. CONSUMER PERCEPTION ON THE LOCAL GASTRONOMICAL POINTS, Daniel Ioan Chiciudean1 , Ioan Sebastian Bruma2 , Lucian Cuibus1,3 , Iulia Diana Arion1 , Gabriela Ofelia Chiciudean ,Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development Vol. 23, Issue 4, 2023 IF=1.4
  27. Contribution of Saccharomyces and Non-Saccharomyces Yeasts on the Volatile and Phenolic Profiles of Rosehip Mead, Avîrvarei, A.-C.; Pop, C.R.; Mudura, E.; Ranga, F.; Hegheș, S.-C.; Gal, E.; Zhao, H.; Fărcaș, A.C.; Chiș, M.S.; Coldea, T.E. ,Antioxidants 2023, 12, 1457 IF=7
  28. Current strategies for the management of valuable compounds from hops waste for a circular economy Liana Claudia Salanț˘a a, Anca Corina F˘arcas¸ a,*, Andrei Borșa b, Carmen Rodica Pop ,Food Chemistry: X Volume 19, 30 October 2023, 100876, IF=6.1
  29. Cutaneous Polymeric-Micelles-Based Hydrogel Containing Origanum vulgare L. Essential Oil: In Vitro Release and Permeation,, Avram, S.; Bora, L.; Vlaia, L.L.; Mut, A.M.; Olteanu, G.E.; Olariu, I.; Magyari-Pavel, I.Z.; Minda, D.; Diaconeasa, Z.; Sfirloaga, P.; et al. Cutaneous Polymeric-Micelles-Based Hydrogel Containing Origanum vulgare L. Essential Oil: In Vitro Release and Permeation, Angiogenesis, and Safety Profile In Ovo. ,Pharmaceuticals 2023, 16, doi:10.3390/ph16070940. IF=4.6
  30. Determination of coenzyme Q10 content in food by-products and waste by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detection, Semeniuc, C.A., Ranga, F., Podar, A.S., Ionescu, S.R., Socaciu, M.-I., Fogarasi, M., Fărcaș, A.C., Vodnar, D.C., Socaci, S.A. ,Foods, 2023, 12(12), Article ID 2296 IF=5.2
  31. Development of a Fermented Beverage with Chlorella Vulgaris Powder on Soybean-Based Fermented Beverage.. Csatlos, N.-I., Simon, E., Teleky, B.-E., Szabo, K., Diaconeasa, Z. M., Vodnar, D.-C., Ciont, C., & Pop, O.-L. ,Biomolecules, 2023, 13(2), 245. IF=5.5
  32. Differential Antinociceptive Efficacy of Peel Extracts and Lyophilized Juices of Three Varieties of Mexican Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) in the Formalin Test, Guerrero-Solano JA, Bautista M, Espinosa-Juárez JV, Moreno-Rocha LA, Betanzos-Cabrera G, Salanță LC, De la O Arciniega M, Olvera-Hernández EG, Jaramillo-Morales OA.  ,Plants. 2023; 12(1):131. IF=4.5
  33. Effects of a Low-FODMAP Diet on Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Both Children and Adults—A Narrative Review, Morariu, I.-D.; Avasilcai, L.; Vieriu, M.; Lupu, V. V.; Morariu, B.-A.; Lupu, A.; Morariu, P.-C.; Pop, O.-L.; Starcea, I. M.; Trandafir, L. ,Nutrients 2023, 15 (10), 2295 IF=5.9
  34. Effects of polystyrene nanoplastics exposure on in vitro-grown Stevia rebaudiana plants. Autori: Vasile Coman, Violeta-Florina Scurtu, Cristina Coman, Doina Clapa, Ștefania D. Iancu, Nicolae Leopold, Loredana-Florina Leopold ,Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 197 (2023) 107634 IF=6.5
  35. Enhanced Elderberry Snack Bars: A Sensory, Nutritional, and Rheological Evaluation, Has Ioana Mariana, Vodnar Dan-Cristian, Bungau Alexa Florina, Tarce Alexandra Georgiana, Tit Delia Mirela, Teleky Bernadette-Emoke ,Foods, 2023, 12, 3544 IF=5.2
  36. Enhancing the foaming properties of brewer’s spent grain protein by ultrasound treatment and glycation reaction, Qing Li, Wanying Li, Li Li, Xuyan Zong, Teodora Emilia Coldea, Huirong Yang, Haifeng Zhao ,2023 Journal Food & Function Volume 14 Issue 6 Pages 2781-2792 IF=6.1
  37. Ethnobotanical Survey on Plants Used to Manage Febrile Illnesses among Herbalists in Casablanca, Dagni A, Suharoschi R, Hegheș SC, Vârban R, Lelia Pop O, Vulturar R, Fodor A, Cozma A, Soukri A, El Khalfi B., Morocco. ,Diversity. 2023 Jul 24;15(7):879. IF=2.4
  38. Evaluation of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Piglets Tract and Encapsulation of Selected Probiotic Cells By Dumitru, Mihaela,Lefter, Nicoleta Aurelia,Habeanu, Mihaela,Ciurescu, Georgeta,Vodnar, Dan C.,Elemer, Simon,Sorescu, Ionut,Georgescu, Sergiu Emil,Dudu, Andreea ,AGRICULTURE-BASEL, Volume 13 Issue 5 DOI10.3390/agriculture13051098 Article Number 1098 Published MAY 21 2023 IF=3.6
  39. Evaluation of Structural Behavior in the Process Dynamics of Oleogel-Based Tender Dough Products, Tanislav, Anda E.,Puscas, Andreea,Paucean, Adriana, Muresan, Andruta E., Semeniuc, Cristina ; Muresan, Vlad, Mudura, Elena Gels, 2022, Volume 8 Issue 5 Article Number 317 ,Gels, 2022, Volume 8 Issue 5 Article Number 317,nevalidat in 2022 IF=4.6
  40. Formulation development and characterization of plant-based alternatives to pâté using forest ingredients; Maria-Ioana Socaciu, Cristina Anamaria Semeniuc, Anda Elena Tanislav, Elena Andruţa Mureşan, Andreea Pușcaș, Alina Maria Truță, Vlad Mureşan ,Journal of Food Science and Technology, Volume 60, Issue 12, Page 3082-3093 IF=3.1
  41. Fruit Quality Characteristics of Service Tree (Sorbus domestica L.) Genotypes; Akgul Tas, Muttalip Gundogdu, Sezai Ercisli, Erdal Orman, Kenan Celik, Romina Alina Marc, Martina Buckova, Anna Adamkova, and Jiri Mlcek, ACS Omega 2023, 8, 19862−19873 IF=4.1
  42. Fruit-Based Fermented Beverages: Contamination Sources and Emerging Technologies Applied to Assure Their Safety, Alexandra Costina Avîrvarei, Liana Claudia Salanta, Carmen Rodica Pop, Elena Mudura, Antonella Pasqualone, Ofelia Anjos, Natalia Barboza, Jessie Usaga, Cosmin Pompei Dărab, Cristina Burja-Udrea, Haifeng Zhao, Anca Corina Fărcas, Teodora Emilia Coldea ,Foods 2023, 12(4), 838 IF=5.2
  43. Impact of lavender flower powder as a flavoring ingredient on volatile composition and quality characteristics of Gouda-type cheese during ripening, Semeniuc, C.A., Mandrioli, M., Tura, M., Socaci, B.S., Socaciu, M.-I., Fogarasi, M., Michiu, D., Jimborean, A.M., Mureşan, V., Ionescu, S.R., Rotar, M.A., Gallina Toschi, T. ,Foods, 2023, 12(8), Article ID 1703 IF=5.2
  44. Influence of cultivar and fertilization treatment on bioactive content of some apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivars ; Dzevad LAVIC, Mirjana RADOVIC*, Jasmina ALIMAN, Nedim BADZAK, Mirko KULINA, Alisa HADZIABULIC, Gülçe İLHAN, Crina MUREŞAN, Romina Alina MARC ,Turk J Agric For (2023) 47: 345-356 IF=2.9
  45. Influence of foliar spray and post-harvest treatments on head yield, shelf-life, and physicochemical qualities of broccoli; Sushanta Kumar Tarafder, Mrityunjoy Biswas, Umakanta Sarker *, Sezai Ercisli, Zuhal Okcu, Romina Alina Marc and Kirill S. Golokhvast ,Front. Nutr., 2023, 10:1057084. IF=5
  46. Iron oxide nanoparticles carried by probiotics for iron absorption: a systematic review, Ciont, C., Mesaroș, A., Pop, O. L., & Vodnar, D. C. ,Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2023, 21(1), 1-19 IF=10.2
  47. Mechanism of selenite tolerance during barley germination: A combination of tissue selenium metabolism alterations and ascorbate-glutathione cycle modulation, Chao Cheng, Xiujie Zhao, Huirong Yang, Teodora Emilia Coldea, Haifeng Zhao, ,Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Volume 205, December 2023, 108189 IF=6.5
  48. Metabolic Profile of Einkorn, Spelt, Emmer Ancient Wheat Species Sourdough Fermented with Strain of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum ATCC 8014 Larisa Rebeca S, erban 1 , Adriana Păucean 1,* , Maria Simona Chis, 1 , Carmen Rodica Pop 2 , Simona Maria Man 1 , Andreea Pus, cas, 1 , Floricut,a Ranga 3 , Sonia Ancut,a Socaci 2 , Ersilia Alexa 4 , Adina Berbecea 5 , Cristina Anamaria Semeniuc 1 and Vlad Mures, an 1 ,Foods 2023, 12, 1096. IF=5.2
  49. Mixed Fermentations of Yeasts and Lactic Acid Bacteria as Sustainable Processes to Enhance the Chemical Composition of Cider Made of Topaz and Red Topaz Apple Varieties, Călugăr, P.C.; Coldea, T.E.; Pop, C.R.; Stan, L.; Gal, E.; Ranga, F.; Hegheș, S.C.; Mudura, E. ,Agronomy 13 (10), 2485 IF=3.7
  50. Nanocarriers for Sustainable Active Packaging: An Overview during and Post COVID-19 (vol 12, 102, 2022 ) By Pascuta, Mihaela Stefana,Vodnar, Dan Cristian ,COATINGS, Volume 13 Issue 10 DOI10.3390/coatings13101713 Article Number 1713 Published OCT 2023 IF=3.4
  51. Phenolic profile of micro-and nano-encapsulated olive leaf extract in biscuits during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion, Ciont, C., Difonzo, G., Pasqualone, A., Chis, M. S., Ranga, F., Szabo, K., Simon, E., Naghiu, A., Barbu-Tudoran, L., & Caponio, F. Pop, O.L., Vodnar, D.C. ,Food chemistry, 2023, 428, 136778 IF=8.8
  52. Physical, chemical, sorption and microbiological characteristics of fennel fruits; Mariya Dushkova , Milen Dimov , Lazar Lazarov , Martina Pencheva , Iliana Kostova , Stanka Damyanova , Nikolay Menkov , Albena Stoyanova , Sezai Ercisli , Amine Assouguem , Romina Alina Marc , Duygu Ayvaz Sonmez , Riaz Ullah, Ahmed Bari ,Heliyon 9 (2023) e19127 IF=4
  53. Phytochemical Profile, Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Cytoprotective Effects of Cornelian Cherry (Cornus mas L.) Fruit Extracts By Aurori, Mara,Niculae, Mihaela,Hanganu, Daniela,Pall, Emoke,Cenariu, Mihai,Vodnar, Dan Cristian,Bunea, Andrea,Fit, Nicodim,Andrei, Sanda ,PHARMACEUTICALS, Volume 16 Issue 3 Article Number 420 Published MAR 2023 IF=4.6
  54. Plant-Based Dairy Alternatives—A Future Direction to the Milky Way Autori Diana Plamada, Bernadette-Emőke Teleky, Silvia Amalia Nemes, Laura Mitrea, Katalin Szabo, Lavinia-Florina Călinoiu, Mihaela Stefana Pascuta, Rodica-Anita Varvara, Călina Ciont, Gheorghe Adrian Martău, Elemer Simon, Gabriel Barta, Francisc Vasile Dulf, Dan Cristian Vodnar, Maria Nitescu ,Foods, 2023, Volumul 12 Numărul 9 Pagini 1883 IF=5.2
  55. Polyphenols and Cardiometabolic Health: Knowledge and Concern among Romanian People By Has, Ioana Mariana,Teleky, Bernadette-Emoke,Vodnar, Dan-Cristian,Stefanescu, Bianca Eugenia,Tit, Delia Mirela,Nitescu, Maria ,Nutrients, Volume 15 Issue Article Number 2281 Published MAY 12 2023 IF=5.9
  56. Polyphenols—Ensured Accessibility from Food to the Human Metabolism by Chemical and Biotechnological Treatments, Pop, O. L., Suharoschi, R., Socaci, S. A., Berger Ceresino, E., Weber, A., Gruber-Traub, C., Vodnar, D. C., Fărcaș, A. C., & Johansson, E. ,Antioxidants, 2023, 12/4: 865 IF=7
  1. Recent insights into Nanoemulsions: Their preparation, properties and applications; Abeeda Mushtaq , Sajad Mohd Wani *, A.R. Malik *, Amir Gull , Seema Ramniwas , Gulzar Ahmad Nayik ,*, Sezai Ercisli , Romina Alina Marc , Riaz Ullah h, Ahmed Bari ,Food Chemistry: X 18 (2023) 100684 IF=6.1
  2. Recent Trends in Antibacterial Coatings and Biofilm, Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan Cristian) ; Teleky, BE (Teleky, Bernadette-Emoke) ,Coatings, 2023, Volume13, Issue2 IF=3.4
  3. Salinity Stress Ameliorates Pigments, Minerals, Polyphenolic Profiles, and Antiradical Capacity in Lalshak Umakanta Sarker* , Md. Nazmul Hossain, Shinya Oba, Sezai Ercisli, Romina Alina Marc* and Kirill S. Golokhvast ,Antioxidants 2023, 12, 173. IF=7
  4. Screening, optimization and characterization of exopolysaccharides produced by novel strains isolated from Moroccan raw donkey milk., Derdak R, Sakoui S, Pop OL, Vodnar DC, Addoum B, Elmakssoudi A, Errachidi F, Suharoschi R, Soukri A, El Khalfi B. ,Food Chemistry: X. 2022 Jun 30;14:100305. IF=6.1
  5. Selenium uptake, translocation, and metabolization pattern during barley malting: a comparison of Selenate, selenite, and selenomethionine, Chao Cheng, Teodora Emilia Coldea, Huirong Yang, Haifeng Zhao ,2023/3/24 Journal Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Volume 71 Issue 13 Pages 5240-5249 IF=6.1
  6. Sensory Evaluation, Physico-Chemical Properties, and Aromatic Profile of Pasteurised Orange Juice with Resistant Maltodextrin, Elías Arilla 1, Javier Martínez-Monzó 1 , Maria Simona Chi¸s 2 , Anca Corina Fˇarca¸s 3 , Sonia Ancu¸ta Socaci 3 , Pilar Codoñer-Franch 4,5,* , Purificación García-Segovia 1 and Marta Igual ,Foods, 2023, 12, 1-16 IF=5.2
  7. Simultaneous Hydrodistillation of Healthy Cedrus atlantica Manetti and Infected by Trametes pini and Ungulina officinalis: Effect on Antibacterial Activity Utilizing a Mixture-Design Method; Wafae Moustaid, Taoufiq Saffaj, Saoussan Annemer, Amine Assouguem,* Riaz Ullah, Essam A. Ali, Sezai Ercisli, Romina Alina Marc, and Abdellah Farah* ,ACS Omega 2023, 8, 31899−31913 IF=4.1
  8. Solid-state fermentation with Zygomycetes fungi as a tool for biofortification of apple pomace with γ-linolenic acid, carotenoid pigments and phenolic antioxidants By Dulf, Francisc Vasile,Vodnar, Dan Cristian,Dulf, Eva -Henrietta ,Food Research International, Volume 173 Part2 DOI10.1016/j.foodres.2023.113448 Article Number 113448 Published NOV 2023 IF=8.1
  9. Soluble Carbohydrates in Several Transylvanian Potato Cultivars, Muntean, E., & Bărăscu, N. ,Plants, 2023, 12(1), 70. IF=4.5
  10. Special Issue on “Food Processing Technologies Applied to Cereals, Legumes, Oilseeds, Alternative Food Raw Materials and Their Derivatives” Păucean A*, Mureșan V* ,Processes. 2023; 11(1):150. IF=3.5
  11. Spectroscopic, chromatographic, and chemometric techniques applied in food products characterization, Semeniuc, C.A.*, Mureșan, V.* ,Separations, 2023, 10(1), Article ID 55 IF=2.6
  12. Spicy and Aromatic Plants for Meat and Meat Analogues Applications, Marc Romina Alina, Muresan, Vlad, Muresan Andruta E. ; Muresan, Crina Carmen, Tanislav, Anda, Puscas, AndreeaMartis (Petrut), Georgiana Smaranda, Ungur, Rodica Ana, ,Plants, 2022, Volume11 Issue7 Article Number 960 IF=4.5
  13. Structural behavior, FTIR spectra of five Algerian honeys, and sensory acceptance of margarine enriched with honey Nawel Guenaoui, Salim Ouchemoukh, Nadia Amessis-Ouchemoukh, Amar Otmani, Rabha Ayad, Dyhia Sadou, Andreea Pușcaș, Vlad Mureșan (primul autor __Doctorand AUF in USAMV Cluj – document ATASAT in pg. 1) ,J Food Sci . 2023 Nov 22. IF=3.9
  14. Structure, chemical stability and antioxidant activity of melanoidins extracted from dark beer by acetone precipitation and macroporous resin adsorption, Qiuhui Zhang, Moutong Chen, Teodora Emilia Coldea, Huirong Yang, Haifeng Zhao ,Food Research International Volume 164 Pages 112045, 2023 IF=8.1
  15. Swelling and Antimicrobial Activity Characterization of a GO-Reinforced Gelatin-Whey Hydrogel By Lopes, PMP ; Moldovan, D ; Fechete, R ; Prodan, D ; Pop, CR ;Rotar, Ancuta M.; Popescu, V ,Gels, Volume9Issue1 DOI10.3390/gels9010018 Article Number 18 Published JAN 2023 IF=4.6
  16. The Feasibility of Shellac Wax Emulsion Oleogels as Low-Fat Spreads Analyzed by Means of Multidimensional Statistical Analysis, Pușcaș Andreea, Vlad Mureșan ,Gels, 2022, Volume 8(11):749,lipsa WOS an precedent IF=4.6
  17. The oxidative quality of bi-, oleo- and emulgels and their bioactives molecules delivery, Anda Elena Tanislav, Andreea Pușcaș, Vlad Mureșan *, Elena Mudura ,Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr . 2023 May 9:1-27. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2023.2207206. IF=10.2
  18. The study of the quality parameters of the tortilla chips products formulated from mixtures of corn fllour and legumes, Buzgau, Giorgiana; Marc, Romina Alina; Muresan, Crina Carmen; Farcas, Anca; Socaci, Sonia Ancuta; Muresan, Andruta; And Muste, Sevastita ,Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry: Vol. 47: No. 5, Article 15 IF=2.9
  19. The Use of Wheat Starch as Gelling Agent for In Vitro Proliferation of Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus L.) Cultivars and the Evaluation of Genetic Fidelity after Repeated … Autori Doina Clapa, Monica Hârța, Katalin Szabo, Bernadette-Emőke Teleky, Doru Pamfil ,Horticulturae, 2023, Volumul 9 Numărul 8, pagini 902 IF=3.1
  20. Triiodothyronine and Protein Malnutrition Could Influence Pulse Wave Velocity in Pre-Dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Crina Claudia Rusu, Ina Kacso, Diana Moldovan , Alina Potra, Dacian Tirinescu, Maria Ticala , Ancuta M. Rotar, Remus Orasan , Cristian Budurea, Andrada Barar , Florin Anton, Ana Valea , Cosmina Ioana Bondor , and Madalina Ticolea ,Diagnostics 2023, 13(14), 2462; IF=3.6
  21. Unraveling the Potential of Organic Oregano and Tarragon Essential Oils: Profiling Composition, FT-IR and Bioactivities Autori Dan Vârban, Marius Zăhan, Ioana Crișan, Carmen Rodica Pop, Emese Gál, Răzvan Ștefan, Ancuța Mihaela Rotar, Adriana Sebastiana Muscă, Ștefania Meseșan, Vasile Horga, Ioan Ladoși, Loredana Olar, Andrei Stoie, Rodica Vârban ,Plants 2023, 12(23), 4017; IF=4.5
  22. Vaccinium Species (Ericaceae): Phytochemistry and Biological Properties of Medicinal Plants ,Molecules, Volume 28, Issue 4, IF=4.6
  23. Valorisation of mango peel and seed wastes in a biologically enriched biscuit assortment; Andreea Puscas Anda Elena Tanislav Romina Alina Marc Vlad Muresan Andruta Muresan ,Turk J Agric For (2023) 47: 1174-1181 IF=2.9
  24. Variation of chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments in some winter wheat flag leaf under different fertilizer regimes. • Tritean N., Berindean I.V., Varadi A., Kadar R., Hirișcău D., Muntean E., Racz I. ,AgroLife Scientific Journal, 2023m 12(2), 200–105. IF=0.5
  25. Waste cooking oil and crude glycerol as efficient renewable biomass for the production of platform organic chemicals through oleophilic yeast strain of Yarrowia lipolytica; Autori: Mitrea, L; Calinoiu, LF; Teleky, BE; Szabo, K; Martau, AG; Stefanescu, BE; Dulf, FV; Vodnar, DC ,Environmental Technology & InnovationVolume 28, November 2022, 102943, Indexed 2023-02-21 IF=7.1

Anul 2022

1.              Cereal Waste Valorization through Conventional and Current Extraction Techniques—An Up-to-Date Overview., Fărcaș, A.C.; Socaci, S.A.; Nemeș, S.A.; Salanță, L.C.; Chiș, M.S.; Pop, C.R.; Borșa, A.; Diaconeasa, Z.; Vodnar, D.C. , Foods 2022, 11, 2454 IF=5.561
2.              Reintegration of Brewers Spent Grains in the Food Chain: Nutritional, Functional and Sensorial Aspects Anca Corina Farcas , Sonia Ancut,a Socaci , Maria Simona Chis,,* , Oana Lelia Pop , Melinda Fogarasi , Adriana Paucean , Marta Igual and Delia Michiu , PLANTS-BASEL, 2021, 10, 11, DOI 10.3390/plants10112504, neraportat 2021 IF= 4.658
3.              A Comprehensive Review of Moringa oleifera Bioactive Compounds—Cytotoxicity Evaluation and Their Encapsulation, Oana Lelia Pop, Andreea Diana Kerezsi, Călina Ciont (Nagy) , Foods, 2022, 11, 1-18 IF=5.561
4.              A Flavonoid-Rich Extract of Sambucus nigra L. Reduced Lipid Peroxidation in a Rat Experimental Model of Gentamicin Nephrotoxicity, Rodica Ana Ungur, Ileana Monica Borda, Răzvan Andrei Codea, Viorela Mihaela Ciortea, Bogdana Adriana Năsui, Sevastița Muste, Orsolya Sarpataky, Miuța Filip, Laszlo Irsay, Elena Cristina Crăciun, Simona Căinap, Delia Bunea Jivănescu, Anca Lucia Pop, Victoria Emilia Singurean, Maria Crișan, Oana Bianca Groza, Georgiana Smaranda Martiș , MATERIALS, 2022, 15(3), 772. IF= 3.748
5.              A Narrative Review on Rice Proteins: Current Scenario and Food Industrial Application , Jayaprakash, G., A. Bains, P. Chawla, M. Fogarasi, and S. Fogarasi , Polymers (Basel), 2022. 14(15) IF= 4.967
6.              Achyranthes aspera Extracts as Adjuvants for the Redressal of Antibiotic Resistance, Hamna Ahmad, Umar Farooq Gohar *, Hamid Mukhtar, Muhammad Zia-UI-Haq, Romina Alina Marc, Claudia Mihaela Gavris, Marius Irimie, Luigi Geo Marceanu * , Pharmaceutics, 2022, IF= 6.525
7.              An Update on Effectiveness and Practicability of Plant Essential Oils in the Food Industry Liana Claudia Salanță 1 and Janna Cropotova , Plants 2022, 11, 2488. 11192488, prim autor IF=4.658
8.              An update regarding the bioactive compound of cereal by-products: Health benefits and potential applications, Anca Corina Fărcaș, Sonia Ancuța Socaci, Silvia Amalia Nemeș, Oana Lelia Pop, Teodora Emilia Coldea, Melinda Fogarasi, Elena Suzana Biriș-Dorhoi , Sep 2022 | NUTRIENTS 14 (17) IF=6.706
9.              Analysis of Fatty Acids, Amino Acids and Volatile Profile of Apple By-Products by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, AC Fărcaș, SA Socaci, MS Chiș, FV Dulf, P Podea, M Tofană , Molecules, 2022, 27 (6), 1987 IF=4.927
10.           Analysis of Major Royal Jelly Proteins Stability and Ligand Binding by Differential Scanning Fluorimetry, Carmen Ioana Mureşan, Daniel S Dezmirean, Ramona Suharoschi, Oana L Pop, Orsolya Borsai , May 2022Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca Food Science and Technology 1(79):76 DOI: 10.15835/buasvmcn-fst:2021.0034 IF=0
11.           Analysis of Physico-Chemical and Organoleptic Fruit Parameters Relevant for Tomato Quality By Felfoldi, Zoltan,Ranga, Florica,Roman, Ioana A.,Sestras, Adriana F.,Vodnar, Dan C.,Prohens, Jaime,Sestras, Radu E. , Agronomy-Basel,Volume12 Issue5 Article Number1232 DOI10.3390/Agronomy12051232, 2022 IF=3.949
12.           Antimicrobial Activity Of Graphene Oxide-Coated Polypropylene Surfaces, By Pop, Lucian Cristian,Barta, Gabriel,Cotet, Liviu Cosmin,Magyari, Klara,Baia, Monica,Tudoran, Lucian Barbu,Ungur, Rodica,Vodnar, Dan,Baia, Lucian,Danciu, Virginia , Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia,Volume67 Issue1 Page281-296 DOI10.24193/subbchem.2022.1.18 Published2022 IF=0.558
13.           Antimicrobial activity, in vitro anticancer effect (MCF-7 breast cancer cell line), antiangiogenic and immunomodulatory potentials of Populus nigra L. buds extract Brigitta Kis, Ioana Zinuca Pavel, Stefana Avram, Elena Alina Moaca , Martina Herrero San Juan, Anja Schwiebs, Heinfried H Radeke, Delia Muntean, Zorita Diaconeasa, Daliana Minda, Camelia Oprean, Florina Bojin, Cristina Adriana Dehelean, Codruta Soica, Corina Danciu, BMC Complement Med Ther 22, 74 (2022). IF=2.838
14.           Antimicrobial properties of bacterial cellulose membranes enriched with bioactive herbal extracts obtained by microwave-assisted extraction, Ioana M Bodea, Giorgiana M Cătunescu, Carmen R Pop, Nicodim I Fiț, Adriana P David, Mircea C Dudescu, Andreea Stănilă, Ancuța M Rotar, Florin I Bete , Polymers. 2022; 14(7):1435 IF=4.967
15.           Antiparasitic Action of Lactobacillus casei ATCC 393 and Lactobacillus paracasei CNCM Strains in CD-1 Mice Experimentally Infected with Trichinella britovi By Boros, Zsolt,Baies, Mihai Horia,Vodnar, Dan Cristian,Gherman, Calin Mircea,Borsan, Silvia-Diana,Cozma-Petrut, Anamaria,Lefkaditis, Menelaos,Gyorke, Adriana,Cozma, Vasile , PATHOGENS,Volume11 Issue3 Article Number296 DOI10.3390/pathogens11030296 PublishedMAR 2022 IF=4.531
16.           Antiproliferative and pro-apoptotic effect against HaCaT human keratinocytes of hydrogels containing polymeric micelles as delivery systems for oregano essential oil. Danciu, C.; Avram, Ș.; Minda, D.; Muț, A.; Vlaia, L.; Dehelean, C.; Iftode, A.; Diaconeasa, Z.; Olariu, I.; Coneac, G.   , Planta Medica 2022, 88, P-324 IF=3.007
17.           Application of Potassium after Waterlogging Improves Quality and Productivity of Soybean Seeds Muhammad Abdullah Al Mamun , Julekha , Umakanta Sarker , Muhammad Abdul Mannan , Mohammad Mizanur Rahman , Md. Abdul Karim , Sezai Ercisli , Romina Alina Marc and Kirill S. Golokhvast , Life 2022, 12, 1816 IF= 3.253
18.           Apricot Kernel: Bioactivity, Characterization, Applications, and Health Attributes, Akhone, M.A., A. Bains, M.M. Tosif, P. Chawla, M. Fogarasi, and S. Fogarasi , Foods, 2022. 11(15) IF= 5.561
19.           Assessing Consumers’ Preference and Loyalty towards Biopolymer Films for Food Active Packaging By Socaciu, Maria-Ioana,Campian, Veronica,Dabija, Dan-Cristian,Fogarasi, Melinda,Semeniuc, Cristina Anamaria,Podar, Andersina Simina,Vodnar, Dan Cristian , COATINGS,Volume12 Issue11 Article Number1770 DOI10.3390/coatings12111770 PublishedNOV 2022 IF=3.236
20.           Assessing consumers’ preference and loyalty towards biopolymer films for food active packaging, Socaciu, M.-I., Câmpian, V., Dabija, D.-C., Fogarasi, M., Semeniuc, C.A., Podar, A.S., Vodnar, D.C. , Coatings, 2022, 12(11), Article ID 1770 IF= 3.236
21.           Assessment of GGE, AMMI, Regression, and Its Deviation Model to Identify Stable Rice Hybrids in Bangladesh, M Jamil Hasan, M Umma Kulsum, Umakanta Sarker, M Quamrul Islam Matin, Nazmul Hoque Shahin, M Shahjahan Kabir, Sezai Ercisli, Romina Alina Marc , Plants 2022, 11, 2336 IF= 4.658
22.           Assessment of Physicochemical and Rheological Properties of Xylo-Oligosaccharides and Glucose-Enriched Doughs Fermented with BB-12; Gabriela Precup, Bernadette-Emoke Teleky, Floricuta Ranga, Dan Cristian Vodnar , Biology, Volume11 Issue4 Article Number553 DOI10.3390/biology11040553 IF=5.168
23.           Assessment of sublethal and transgenerational effects of spirotetramat, on population growth of cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae L. (Hemiptera: Aphididae); Ayesha Iftikhar , Faisal Hafeez, Muhammad Asif Aziz, Muhammad Hashim, Afifa Naeem, Hafiz Kamran Yousaf, Muhammad Jawad Saleem, Sabir Hussain, Muhammad Hafeez, Qurban Ali, Muzammal Rehman, Sumreen Akhtar, Romina Alina Marc, Khalid M. Al Syaad, Yassor Sabry Mostafa and Fatimah A. Al Saeed , FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY, 2022, 13, 1014190 IF= 4.755
24.           Awareness, Knowledge, and Interest about Prebiotics-A Study among Romanian Consumers, Gabriela Precup 1, Cristina Bianca Pocol 2 , Bernadette-Em˝oke Teleky, Dan Cristian Vodnar , International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume19 Issue3 Article Number1208 IF=4.614
25.           Baby Food Purees Obtained from Ten Different Apple Cultivars and Vegetable Mixtures: Product Development and Quality Control, Alexandra Mădălina Mateescu ,Andruța Elena Mureșan, Andreea Pușcaș ,Vlad Mureșan ,Radu E. Sestras , Sevastița Muste , 2022, Appl. Sci. 2022, 12(23), 12462; IF= 2.83
26.           Bacillus thuringiensis PM ameliorates oxidative damage of salinity stress in maize via regulating growth, leaf pigments, antioxidant defense system, and stress responsive gene expression, Baber Ali, Aqsa Hafeez, Saliha Ahmad, Muhammad Ammar Javed, Sumaira, Muhammad Siddique Afridi, Turki M. Dawoud, Khalid S. Almaary, Crina Carmen Muresan, Romina Alina Marc*, Dalal Hussien M. Alkhalifah and Samy Selim , Front. Plant Sci., 2022, 13, 921668. IF= 6.627
27.           Beer safety: New challenges and future trends within craft and large-scale production Authors Călina Ciont, Alexandra Epuran, Andreea Diana Kerezsi, Teodora Emilia Coldea, Elena Mudura, Antonella Pasqualone, Haifeng Zhao, Ramona Suharoschi, Frank Vriesekoop, Oana Lelia Pop , Foods 2022, 11(17), 2693 IF= 5.561
28.           Bioactive Properties of Composites Based on Silicate Glasses and Different Silver and Gold Structures By Toth, Zsejke-Reka,Kiss, Janos,Todea, Milica,Kovacs, Gabor,Gyulavari, Tamas,Sesarman, Alina,Negrea, Giorgiana,Vodnar, Dan C.,Szabo, Anna,Baia, Lucian,Magyari, Klara , MATERIALS,Volume15 Issue5 Article Number1655 DOI10.3390/ma15051655 PublishedMAR 2022 IF=3.748
29.           Bioactives from Mushroom: Health Attributes and Food Industry Applications , Bains, A., P. Chawla, S. Kaur, A. Najda, M. Fogarasi, and S. Fogarasi , Materials (Basel), 2021, 14(24), 7640 – nu a fost raportat in 2021 IF= 3.748
30.           Biodetoxification and Protective Properties of Probiotics, Oana Lelia Pop, Ramona Suharoschi and Rosita Gabbianelli , Microorganisms, 2022, 10, 1-20 IF=4.926
31.           Biofunctional soy-based sourdough for improved rheological properties during storage Bernadette-Emőke Teleky, Gheorghe Adrian Martău, Floricuța Ranga, Ioana Delia Pop & Dan Cristian Vodnar , Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:17535, IF=4.997
32.           Biological Activity of Picrorhiza kurroa: A Source of Potential Antimicrobial Compounds against Yersinia enterocolitica, Thapa, A., R. Kaushik, S. Arora, S. Jaglan, V. Jaswal, V.K. Yadav, M. Singh, A. Bains, P. Chawla, A. Khan, M. Fogarasi, and S. Fogarasi , Int J Mol Sci, 2022. 23(22) IF= 6.208
33.           Biological properties and activities of major royal jelly proteins and their derived peptides, Carmen Ioana Mureşan, Daniel Severus Dezmirean, Bianca Dana Marc, Ramona Suharoschi, Oana Lelia Pop, Anja Buttstedt , Journal of Functional Foods, 2022, 98, 105286 IF=5.223
34.           Biotechnological Processes Simulating the Natural Fermentation Process of Bee Bread and Therapeutic Properties-An Overview By Barta, Daniel Gabriel,Cornea-Cipcigan, Mihaiela,Margaoan, Rodica, Vodnar, Dan Cristian , Frontiers In Nutrition,Volume9 Article Number871896 DOI10.3389/fnut.2022.871896 PublishedAPR 27 2022 IF=6.59
35.           Carotenoid Recovery from Tomato Processing By-Products through Green Chemistry, Katalin Szabo, Bernadette-Em ̋oke Teleky, Floricuta Ranga, Ioana Roman, Hattab Khaoula, Emna Boudaya, Amina Ben Ltaief, Wael Aouani, Mangkorn Thiamrat, Dan Cristian Vodnar , Molecules, Volume27 Issue12 Article Number3771 IF=4.927
36.           Cereal Waste Valorization through Conventional and Current Extraction Techniques—An Up-to-Date Overview Anca Corina Fărcas , Sonia Ancuta Socaci, Silvia Amalia Nemes, Liana Claudia Salanta , Maria Simona Chis, Carmen Rodica Pop, Andrei Bors, Zorita Diaconeasa and Dan Cristian Vodnar, Foods 2022, 11, 2454. foods11162454, calitate de prim autor IF=5.561
37.           Changes in lipid composition and oxidative status during ripening of Gouda-type cheese as influenced by addition of lavender flower powder, Semeniuc, C.A., Mandrioli, M., Socaci, B.S., Socaciu, M.-I., Fogarasi, M., Podar, A.S., Michiu, D., Jimborean, A.M., Mureșan, V., Ionescu, S.R., Toschi, T.G. , International Dairy Journal, 2022, 133(October), Article ID 105427 IF= 3.572
38.           Changes in Vitellogenin (Vg) and Stress Protein (HSP 70) in Honey Bee (Apis mellifera anatoliaca) Groups under Different Diets Linked with Physico-Chemical, Antioxidant and Fatty and Amino Acid Profiles. Aybike Sarioğlu-Bozkurt 1,†, Erkan Topal 2, *, Nazmiye Güneş 1, Engin Üçeş 3, Mihaiela Cornea-Cipcigan 4,5,†, İlknur Coşkun 6, Lucian Cuibus 7 and Rodica Mărgăoan , Insects 2022, 13, 985. insects13110985 octombrie 2022 IF=3.141
39.           Characterization of Anthocyanins and Their Antioxidant Activities in Indian Rose Varieties (Rosa × hybrida) Using HPLC , Kumari, P., D.V.S. Raju, K.V. Prasad, S. Saha, S. Panwar, S. Paul, N. Banyal, A. Bains, P. Chawla, M. Fogarasi, and S. Fogarasi , Antioxidants (Basel), 2022. 11(10) IF= 7.675
40.           Characterization of some Fagaceae kernels nutritional composition for potential use as novel food ingredients, Maria-IoanaSocaciua, CristinaAnamaria Semeniuca, ElenaAndruţa Mureşana, Andreea Pușcaș, Anda Tanislav, Floricuța Ranga, Francisc Dulf, Emöke Páll, Alina Maria Truță, Claudia Paşca, Daniel Severus, Dezmirean , Vlad Mureşan , Food Chemistry, 2022, Volume 406, 16 April 2023, 135053 IF= 9.23
41.           Chemical and Enzymatic Synthesis of Biobased Xylo-Oligosaccharides and Fermentable Sugars from Wheat Straw for Food Applications By Precup, Gabriela,Venus, Joachim,Heiermann, Monika,Schneider, Roland,Pop, Ioana Delia,Vodnar, Dan Cristian , POLYMERS,Volume14 Issue7 Article Number1336 DOI10.3390/polym14071336 PublishedAPR 2022 IF=4.967
42.           Chemical Structure, Sources and Role of Bioactive Flavonoids in Cancer Prevention: A Review, Drețcanu, G.; Știrbu, I.; Leoplold, N.; Cruceriu, D.; Danciu, C.; Stănilă, A.; Fărcaș, A.; Borda, I.M.; Iuhas, C.; Diaconeasa, Z.  , Plants 2022, 11, 1117 IF=4.658
43.           Chemometric Comparison and Classification of 22 Apple Genotypes Based on Texture Analysis and Physico-Chemical Quality Attributes; Andruța E. Mureșan, Adriana F. Sestras, Mădălina Militaru, Adriana Păucean, Anda E. Tanislav, Andreea Pușcaș, Mădălina Mateescu, Vlad Mureșan, Romina A. Marc (Vlaic), Radu E. Sestras , Horticulturae 2022, 8(1), 64 IF=2.923
44.           Cold pressed pumpkin seed oil fatty acids, carotenoids, volatile compounds profiles and infrared fingerprints as affected by storage time and wax-based oleogelation,Andreea Puscas, Andruta Muresan, Sonia Socaci, Dulf Franisc, Sevastita Muste, Florinela Fetea, Cristina Semeniuc, Andreea Bunea, Vlad Muresan, Adela Pintea , Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2022, Volume103, Issue 2 Pages 680-691 IF= 4.125
45.           Color and physiochemical attributes of pointed gourd (Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.) influenced by modified atmosphere packaging and postharvest treatment during storage, Jahidul Hassan, Farzana Jahan, Md. Mijanur Rahman Rajib, Umakanta Sarker, Ikuo Miyajima, Yukio Ozaki , Sezai Ercisli, Kirill S. Golokhvast * and Romina Alina Marc* , Front. Plant Sci., 2022, 13, 1016324 IF= 6.627
46.           Colorant Pigments, Nutrients, Bioactive Components, and Antiradical Potential of Danta Leaves (Amaranthus lividus), Umakanta Sarker, Md. Asif Iqbal, Md. Nazmul Hossain, Shinya Oba, Sezai Ercisli, Crina Carmen Muresan and Romina Alina Marc* , Antioxidants 2022, 11, 1206. IF= 7.675
47.           Comparative efficacy of phosphorous supplements with phosphate solubilizing bacteria for optimizing wheat yield in calcareous soils, Muhammad Adnan, Shah Fahad, Muhammad Hamzah Saleem, Baber Ali, Maria Mussart, Rafi Ullah, Amanullah Jr, Muhammad Arif, Manzoor Ahmad, Wajid Ali Shah, Muhammad Romman, Fazli Wahid, Depeng Wang, Shah Saud, Ke Liu, Matthew Tom Harrison, Chao Wu, Subhan Danish, Rahul Datta, Crina Carmen Muresan, Romina Alina Marc , Scientific Reports ,2022, 12, 11997 IF= 4.997
48.           Comparative genomic analysis and phylogeny of NAC25 gene from cultivated and wild Coffeea species, Arun Kumar C. Huded, Pavankumar Jingade, Manoj Kumar Mishra, Sezai Ercisli, Gulce Ilhan, Romina Alina Marc, Dan Cristian Vodnar , Front. Plant Sci., 2022, 13, 1009733 IF= 6.627
49.           Cytotoxicity Evaluation and Antioxidant Activity of a Novel Drink Based on Roasted Avocado Seed Powder; Pușcaș Andreea, Tanislav Anda E., Marc Romina A., Mureșan Vlad, Mureșan Andruța E., Pall Emoke, Cerbu Constantin , Plants, 2022, 11(8), 1083 IF=4.658
50.           Detarium microcarpum Guill. & Perr. fruit properties, processing and food uses. A review Akouloukihi Damien Tchatcha, Vlad Mureșan, Andriano Jospin Djossou, Adriana Păucean, Fidèle Paul Tchobo, Andruța Mureșan, Frédéric Houndonougbo, M. Mohame Soumanou , Biotechnology, Agronomy and Society and Environment, 1370-6233 (PRINT) / 1780-4507 (ONLINE), 2022 26(3), 144-154 IF= 0.889
51.           Development of Pectin and Poly(vinyl alcohol)-Based Active Packaging Enriched with Itaconic Acid and Apple Pomace-Derived Antioxidants; Teleky, B.-E.; Mitrea, L.; Plamada, D.; Nemes, S.A.; Călinoiu, L.-F.; Pascuta, M.S.; Varvara, R.-A.; Szabo, K.; Vajda, P.; Szekely, C.; et al. , Antioxidants 2022, 11, 1729, doi:10.3390/antiox11091729. IF= 7.675
52.           Dried orange juice waste as a source of bioactive compounds, Gabriela Galindo Rosa, Chis Maria Simona, Martinez-Navarrete Nuria, Maria del Mar Camacho Vidal , british Food Journal, 2022, 124, 4653-4665 IF= 3.224
53.           Dynamics of Bioactive Compounds during Spontaneous Fermentation of Paste Obtained from Capsicum ssp.-Stage towards a Product with Technological Application By Kadar, Csaba Balazs,Paucean, Adriana,Simon, Elemer,Vodnar, Dan Cristian,Ranga, Floricuta,Rusu, Iulian Eugen,Visan, Vasile-Gheorghe,Man, Simona,Chis, Maria Simona,Dretcanu, Georgiana , PLANTS-BASEL, Volume11 Issue8 Article Number1080 DOI10.3390/plants11081080 PublishedAPR 2022 IF=4.658
54.           Effect of encapsulated probiotic in Inulin-Maltodextrin-Sodium alginate matrix on the viability of Enterococcus mundtii SRBG1 and the rheological parameters of fermented milk, , Souraya Sakoui, Reda Derdak, Oana Lelia Pop, Dan Cristian Vodnar, Boutaina Addoum, Bernadette-Emoke Teleky, Simon Elemer, Abdelhakim Elmakssoudi, Ramona Suharoschi, Abdelaziz Soukri, Bouchra El Khalfi , Current Research in Food Science, 2022, 5, 1713-1719 IF=6.269
55.           Effect of fertilizers on yield component attributes, yield and quality in soybean crop- Suciu, V., Rusu, T., Urdă, C., Muntean, E., Rezi, R., Negrea, A., Simon, A. Tritean, N. , AgroLife Scientific Journal, 2022, 11(1), 221-229. IF=0.17
56.           Effect of Single and Dual Modifications on Properties of Lotus Rhizome Starch Modified by Microwave and γ-Irradiation: A Comparative Study, Chandak, A., S.B. Dhull, P. Chawla, M. Fogarasi, and S. Fogarasi , Foods, 2022. 11(19) IF= 5.561
57.           Effects of Botanical Ingredients Addition on the Bioactive Compounds and Quality of Non-Alcoholic and Craft Beer, Andrei Borsa , Mircea Valentin Muntean 2,†, Liana Claudia Salanta , Maria Tofană , Sonia Ancuta Socaci , Elena Mudura, Anamaria Popand Carmen Rodica Pop, Plants 2022, 11, 1958. https://, autor corespondent IF=4.658
58.           Emulsifying properties of arabinoxylans derived from brewers’ spent grain by ultrasound-assisted extraction: structural and functional properties correlation L Liu, M Chen, TE Coldea, H Yang, H Zhao , Cellulose, 1-14, 2022 IF= 6.123
59.           Enzymolysis kinetics, thermodynamics and structural property of brewer’s spent grain protein pretreated with ultrasound Q Li, H Yang, TE Coldea, ML Andersen, W Li, H Zhao , Food and Bioproducts Processing 132, 130-140, 2022 IF= 5.105
60.           Essential oils from Dysphania genus: Traditional uses, chemical composition, toxicology, and health benefits Amal Dagni,Simona Codruta Hegheș, Ramona Suharoschi, Oana Lelia Pop,Adriana Fodor,Romana Vultura,Angela Cozma,Oufaa Aniq filali, Dan Cristian Vodnar,Abdelaziz Soukri,Bouchra El Khalf , Frontiers in Pharmacology,PUBLISHED 08 December 2022 DOI 10.3389/fphar.2022.1024274 IF=5.988
61.           Evaluation of Structural Behavior in the Process Dynamics of Oleogel-Based Tender Dough Products; Anda E. Tanislav, Andreea Pușcas, Adriana Păucean, Andruța E. Mureșan, Cristina A. Semeniuc, Vlad Mureșan, Elena Mudura , Gels, 2022, 8(5), 317 IF=4.432
62.           Evaluation of the Astragalus exscapus L. subsp. transsilvanicus Roots’ Chemical Profile, Phenolic Composition and Biological Activities., Szabo, K.; Ranga, F.; Elemer, S.; Varvara, R.A.; Diaconeasa, Z.; Dulf, F.V.; Vodnar, D.C.  , Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 1516 IF=6.208
63.           Freeze-Dried Powder of Fermented Chili Paste-New Approach to Cured Salami Production; Adriana Păucean, Csaba Balázs Kádár, Elemér Simon, Dan Cristian Vodnar, Floricuța Ranga, Iulian Eugen Rusu, Vasile-Gheorghe Vișan, Sonia-Ancuța Socaci, Simona Man, Maria Simona Chis, Anamaria Pop, Anda E. Tanislav, Vlad Muresan , Foods 2022, 11(22), 3716 IF=5.561
64.           Gadolinium Accumulation and Toxicity on In Vitro Grown Stevia rebaudiana: A Case-Study on Gadobutrol. Scurtu, V.F.; Clapa, D.; Leopold, L.F.; Ranga, F.; Iancu, Ș.D.; Cadiș, A.I.; Coman, V.; Socaci, S.A.; Moț, A.C.; Coman, C , International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022, 23, 11368. doi:10.3390/ijms231911368 IF=6.208
65.           Genetic Variability, Character Association, and Path Coefficient Analysis in Transplant Aman Rice Genotypes; Abu Salah Muhammad Faysal , Liakat Ali, Md. Golam Azam, Umakanta Sarker* , Sezai Ercisli 3 , Kirill S. Golokhvast * and Romina Alina Marc* , Plants 2022, 11, 2952 IF= 4.658
66.           Glutaraldehyde-Polymerized Hemerythrin: Evaluation of Performance as an Oxygen Carrier in Hemorrhage Models, Anca D Stoica, Vlad-Al Toma, Ioana Roman, Bogdan Sevastre, Florina Scurtu, Radu Silaghi-Dumitrescu , Bioinorg Chem Application, 2022 IF=4.724
67.           Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Populi gemmae Extract: Preparation, Physicochemical Characterization, Antimicrobial Potential and In Vitro Antiproliferative Assessment, Kis, B.; Moacă, E.-A.; Tudoran, L.B.; Muntean, D.; Magyari-Pavel, I.Z.; Minda, D.I.; Lombrea, A.; Diaconeasa, Z.; Dehelean, C.A.; Dinu, Ș.; Danciu, C.. , Materials 2022, 15, 5006 IF=3.748
68.           Guts Imbalance Imbalances the Brain: A Review of Gut Microbiota Association With Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders. Authors: Laura Mitrea, Silvia-Amalia Nemes, Katalin Szabo, Bernadette-Emoke Teleky, Dan-Cristian Vodnar* , Frontiers in Medicine, 2022, 9, 813204 IF=5.058
69.           Honey botanical origin and honey-specific protein pattern: Characterization of some European honeys By: Muresan, CI (Muresan, Carmen Ioana); Cornea-Cipcigan, M (Cornea-Cipcigan, Mihaiela); Suharoschi, R (Suharoschi, Ramona); Erler, S (Erler, Silvio); Margaoan, R (Margaoan, Rodica) , LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2022, 154 IF=6.056
70.           Impact of Foliar Application of Syringic Acid on Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under Heavy Metal Stress- Insights into Nutrient Uptake, Redox Homeostasis, Oxidative Stress, and Antioxidant Defense, Jing Ma, Muhammad Hamzah Saleem , Sahar Mumtaz, Baber Ali, Rizwan Rasheed, Muhammad Arslan Ashraf, Humera Aziz, Sezai Ercisli, Mohse Mohamed Elsharkawy, Sana Riaz, Iqbal Hussain, Dan C. Vodnar, Romina Alina Marc* , Front. Plant Sci., 2022, 13, 950120. IF= 6.627
71.           Impact of Plantago ovata Forsk leaf extract on morpho-physio-biochemical attributes, ions uptake and drought resistance of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings, Khadiga Alharbi, Haifa Abdulaziz Sakit Alhaithloul ,Aisha A. M. Alayafi, Wafa’a A. Al-Taisan, Suliman Mohammed Alghanem, Amina A. M. Al-Mushhin,Mona H. Soliman*, Moodi Saham Alsubeie,Dan C. Vodnar* and Romina Alina Marc* , Front. Plant Sci., 2022, 13, 999170 IF= 6.627
72.           Implementation of an analytical method for spectrophotometric evaluation of total phenolic content in essential oils, Michiu, D., Socaciu, M.-I., Fogarasi, M., Jimborean, A.M., Ranga, F., Mureşan, V., Semeniuc, C.A. , Molecules, 2022, 27, 4, Article ID 1345 IF= 4.927
73.           Impression of foliar-applied folic acid on coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) to regulate aerial growth, biochemical activity, and essential oil profiling under drought stress, Muhammad Tajammal Khan, Shakil Ahmed, Rehana Sardar, Muhammad Shareef, Asim Abbas, Muhammad Mohiuddin, Sezai Ercisli, Sajid Fiaz, Romina Alina Marc, Kotb Attia , Naeem Khan and Kiril S. Golokhvast , Front. Plant Sci., 2022, 13, 1005710 IF= 6.627
74.           Improved osmotic stress tolerance in brewer’s yeast induced by wheat gluten peptides X Jin, H Yang, M Chen, TE Coldea, H Zhao , Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 106 (13), 4995-5006, 2022 IF= 5.56
75.           Improvement of Postharvest Quality and Bioactive Compounds Content of Persimmon Fruits after Hydrocolloid-Based Edible Coating Application; Muhammad Shahzad Saleem , Shaghef Ejaz *, Muhammad Akbar Anjum , Sajid Ali , Sajjad Hussain, Sezai Ercisli, Gulce Ilhan, Romina Alina Marc, Sona Skrovankova* and Jiri Mlcek , Horticulturae 2022, 8, 1045 IF= 2.923
76.           Improving the Carotenoid Content in Maize by Using Isonuclear Lines. – Calugar, R. E., Muntean, E., Varga, A., Vana, C. D., Has, V. V., Tritean, N., Ceclan, L. A , Plants, 2022, 11(13), 1632. IF=4.658
77.           In Vitro Bioaccessibility of Bioactive Compounds from Rosehip-Enriched Corn Extrudates By Igual, Marta,Paucean, Adriana,Vodnar, Dan Cristian,Garcia-Segovia, Purificacion,Martinez-Monzo, Javier,Chis, Maria Simona , MOLECULES,Volume27 Issue6 Article Number1972 DOI10.3390/molecules27061972 PublishedMAR 2022 IF=4.927
78.           In Vitro Digestibility of Minerals and B Group Vitamins from Different Brewers’ Spent Grains, Anca Corina Farcas, 1 , Sonia Ancut,a Socaci , Maria Simona Chis,* , Javier Martínez-Monzó, Purificación García-Segovia , Anca Becze, Anamaria Iulia Török, Oana Cadar , Teodora Emilia Coldea and Marta Igual , Nutrients, 2022, 14, 1-15 IF=6.706
79.           Indexing methods and chemometric analysis of selected metals and metalloids for drinking water quality assessment in Upper Silesia region, Poland. – Pecyna-Utylska P., Muntean E., Kenert J., Michalski R. , International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 1-19. IF=2.731
80.           Individual and combinatorial effects of SNP and NaHS on morpho-physio-biochemical and phytoextraction of chromium through Cr-stressed spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), Jing Ma, Muhammad Hamzah Saleem, Ghulam Yasin, Sahar Mumtaz, Freeha Fatima Qureshi, Baber Ali, Sezai Ercisli, Sadeq K. Alhag , Ahmed Ezzat Ahmed, Dan C. Vodnar, Iqbal Hussain, Romina Alina Marc*, Fu Chen , Front. Plant Sci., 2022, 13, 973740. IF= 6.627
81.           Influence of different silver species on the structure of bioactive silicate glasses By,Toth, Zsejke-Reka,Feraru, Alexandra,Debreczeni, Diana,Todea, Milica,Popescu, Radu A. A.,Gyulavari, Tamas,Sesarman, Alina,Negrea, Giorgiana,Vodnar, Dan C. C.,Hernadi, Klara,Pap, Zsolt,Baia,Lucian,Magyari,Klara , JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS,Volume583 Article Number121498 DOI10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2022.121498 PublishedMAY 1 2022 IF=4.458
82.           Innovative and Sustainable Technologies to Enhance the Oxidative Stability of Vegetable Oils, Fadda, A.; Sanna, D.; Sakar, E.H.; Gharby, S.; Mulas, M.; Medda, S.; Yesilcubuk, N.S.; Karaca, A.C.; Gozukirmizi, C.K.; Lucarini, M.; Lombardi-Boccia, G.; Diaconeasa, Z.; Durazzo, A., Sustainability 2022, 14, 849 IF=3.889
83.           Integrated Pangenome Analysis and Pharmacophore Modeling revealed potential novel inhibitors against Enterobacter xiangfangensis; Mohammad S. Almuhayawi, Soad K. Al Jaouni, Samy Selim, Dalal Hussien M. Alkhalifah, Romina Alina Marc, Sidra Aslam, Peter Poczai, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 2022, 19, 14812 IF= 4.614
84.           Integrated Technology for Cereal Bran Valorization: Perspectives for a Sustainable Industrial Approach, Silvia Amalia Nemes, Lavinia Florina Călinoiu, Francisc Vasile Dulf, Anca Corina Fărcas, Dan Cristian Vodnar , Antioxidants, 2022, 11, 2159 IF=7.675
85.           Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of Lactobacillus Species Single and Co-Culture Fermentation Processes in Wheat and Soy Dough Mixtures, Eva-H. Dulf, Dan C. Vodnar,Alex Danku, Adrian Gheorghe Martău,Bernadette-Emőke Teleky,Francisc V. Dulf, Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan, Ovidiu Crisan , Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, Volume10 Article Number888827 IF=6.064
86.           Metabolomics analysis delineates the therapeutic effects of hydroethanolic extract of Cucumis sativus L. seeds on hypertension and isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction, Muqeet Wahid, Fatima Saqib, Liana Chicea, Hanadi Talal Ahmedah, Bayan Hussein Sajer, Romina Alina Marc (Vlaic), Oana Lelia Pop, Marius Moga, Claudia Gavris , BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY, 2022, 148, 1-28 IF=7.419
87.           Metabolomics based mechanistic insights to vasorelaxant and cardioprotective effect of ethanolic extract of Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai. seeds in isoproterenol induced myocardial infraction, Fatima Saqib, Muqeet Wahid, Arwa Abdulkreem AL-Huqail, Hanadi Talal Ahmedah, Nicusor Bigiu, Marius Irimie, Marius Moga, Romina Alina Marc (Vlaic), Oana Lelia Pop, Liana Maria Chicea , Phytomedicine, 2022, 100, 1-26 IF=6.656
88.           Microencapsulation and Bioaccessibility of Phenolic Compounds of Vaccinium Leaf Extracts, Bianca Eugenia S,tefănescu1,2, Silvia-Amalia Nemes3, Bernadette-Em ̋oke Teleky2, LaviniaFlorina Călinoiu3, Laura Mitrea3, Gheorghe Adrian Martău, Katalin Szabo, Mihaela Mihai,*,Dan Cristian Vodnar,and Gianina Crisan , Antioxidants, Volume11 Issue4 Article Number 674 IF= 7.675
89.           Micronutrients Foliar and Drench Application Mitigate Mango Sudden Decline Disorder and Impacts Fruit Yield in Orchards, Ummad ud din Umar, Niaz Ahmed, Muhammad Zeshan Zafar, Ateeq ur Rehman, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar, Muhammad Tariq Malik, Baber Ali, Muhammad Hamzah Saleem, Romina Alina Marc * , Agronomy 2022, 12, 2449. IF= 3.949
90.           Micropropagation of Vaccinium corymbosum L.: An Alternative Procedure for the Production of Secondary Metabolites By Clapa, Doina,Nemes, Silvia-Amalia,Ranga, Floricuta,Harta, Monica,Vodnar, Dan-Cristian,Calinoiu, Lavinia-Florina , HORTICULTURAE,Volume8 Issue6 Article Number480 DOI10.3390/horticulturae8060480 PublishedJUN 2022 IF=2.923
91.           Nano Iron Oxide Accelerates Growth, Yield, and Quality of Glycine max Seed in Water deficits, Dipanjoli Baral Dola, Md. Abdul Mannan, Umakanta Sarker, Md. Abdullah Al Mamun, Tofazzal Islam, Sezai Ercisli, Muhammad Hamzah Saleem, Baber Ali, Oana Leila Pop*, Romina Alina Marc* , Front. Plant Sci., 2022, 13, 992535. IF= 6.627
92.           Nanocarriers for Sustainable Active Packaging: An Overview during and Post COVID-19 By Pascuta, Mihaela Stefana,Vodnar, Dan Cristian , COATINGS,Volume12 Issue1 Article Number102 DOI10.3390/coatings12010102 PublishedJAN 2022 IF=3.236
93.           Nano-Encapsulation of Citrus Essential Oils: Methods and Applications of Interest for the Food Sector, Oprea, I (Oprea, Ioana) [1] ; Farcas, AC (Farcas, Anca Corina) [1] ; Leopold, LF (Leopold, Loredana Florina) [1] ; Diaconeasa, Z (Diaconeasa, Zorita) [1] ; Coman, C (Coman, Cristina) [1] ; Socaci, SA (Socaci, Sonia Ancuta) , Polymers, 2022, Volume14, Issue 21 IF=4.967
94.           Nano-iron oxide accelerates growth, yield, and quality of Glycine max seed in water deficits, Dipanjoli Baral Dola, Md. Abdul Mannan, Umakanta Sarker, Md. Abdullah Al Mamun, Tofazzal Islam, Sezai Ercisli, Muhammad Hamzah Saleem, Baber Ali, Oana Lelia Pop and Romina Alina Marc , Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 1-12 IF=6.627
95.           Nanoparticles: The Plant Saviour under Abiotic Stresses, Muhammad Fasih Khalid,Rashid Iqbal Khan, Muhammad Zaid Jawaid,Waqar Shafqat,Sajjad Hussain,Talaat Ahmed,Muhammad Rizwan,Sezai Ercisli,Oana Lelia Pop, Romina Alina Marc , Nanomaterials, 2022, 12, 1-25 IF=5.719
96.           Natural Polyphenol Recovery from Apple-, Cereal-, and Tomato-Processing By-Products and Related Health-Promoting Properties, Katalin Szabo1,2, Laura Mitrea1,2, Lavinia Florina Călinoiu2, Bernadette-Em ̋oke Teleky2,Gheorghe Adrian Martău2, Diana Plamada2, Mihaela Stefana Pascuta2, Silvia-Amalia Neme ̧s2,Rodica-Anita Varvara2and Dan Cristian Vodnar , Molecules, Volume27 Issue22 Article Number7977 IF=4.927
97.           New opportunities in plant microbiome engineering for increasing agricultural sustainability under stressful conditions, Muhammad Siddique Afridi, Muhammad Ammar, Javed,Sher Ali, Flavio Henrique Vasconcelos De Medeiros ,Baber Ali, Abdul Salam Sumaira, Romina Alina Marc, Dalal Hussien M. Alkhalifah, Samy Selim and Gustavo Santoyo , Front. Plant Sci., 2022, 13, 899464 IF= 6.627
98.           Optimisation and characterization of α-D-glucan produced by Bacillus velezensis RSDM1 and evaluation of its protective effect on oxidative stress in Tetrahymena thermophila induced by H2O2 Reda Derdak a, Souraya Sakoui a, Oana Lelia Pop b,c, Dan Cristian Vodnar b,d, Boutaina Addoum a, Bernadette-Emoke Teleky b, Simon Elemer b, Abdelhakim Elmakssoudi e, Ramona Suharoschi b,c, Abdelaziz Soukri a, Bouchra El Khalfi , International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 222 (2022) 3229–3242, IF=8.025
99.           Optimized Ultrasound-Assisted Enzymatic Extraction of Phenolic Compounds from Rosa canina L. Pseudo-Fruits (Rosehip) and Their Biological Activity By Nicolescu, Alexandru,Babota, Mihai,Zhang, Leilei,Bunea, Claudiu, I,Gavrilas, Laura,Vodnar, Dan C.,Mocan, Andrei,Crisan, Gianina,Rocchetti, Gabriele , ANTIOXIDANTS, IF=7.675
100.         Optimizing textile dyeing wastewater for tomato irrigation through physiochemical, Jahidul Hassan, Md. Mijanur Rahman Rajib, Umakanta Sarker, Masuma Akter, Md. Noor‑E.‑Azam Khan, Shahjalal Khandaker, Farhan Khalid, G. K. M. Mustafizur Rahman, Sezai Ercisli, Crina Carmen Muresan, Romina Alina Marc*plant nutrient uses and pollution load index of irrigated soil, , Scientific Reports ,2022, 12, 10088 IF= 2.277
101.         Physicochemical characterization and prospecting biological activity of some authentic transylvanian essential oils: Lavender, sage and basil Autori Dan Vârban, Marius Zăhan, Carmen Rodica Pop, Sonia Socaci, Răzvan Ștefan, Ioana Crișan, Loredana Elena Bota, Ileana Miclea, Adriana Sebastiana Muscă, Alexandru Marius Deac, Rodica Vârban , Oct 2022 | METABOLITES 12 (10) IF=5.581
102.         Phytochemical Characterization and Biological Evaluation of Origanum vulgare L. Essential Oil Formulated as Polymeric Micelles Drug Delivery Systems Bora, L.; Burkard, T.; Juan, M.H.S.; Radeke, H.H.; Muț, A.M.; Vlaia, L.L.; Magyari-Pavel, I.Z.; Diaconeasa, Z.; Socaci, S.; Borcan, F.; Kis, B.; Muntean, D.; Dehelean, C.A.; Danciu, C.        , Pharmaceutics 2022, 14, 2413 IF=6.525
103.         Phytochemical Characterization of Taxus baccata L. Aril with Emphasis on Evaluation of the Antiproliferative and Pro-Apoptotic Activity of Rhodoxanthin By Dumitras, Daria-Antonia,Bunea, Andrea,Vodnar, Dan Cristian,Hanganu, Daniela,Pall, Emoke,Cenariu, Mihai,Gal, Adrian Florin,Andrei, Sanda , ANTIOXIDANTS, Volume11 Issue6 Article Number1039 DOI10.3390/antiox11061039 PublishedJUN 2022 IF=7.675
104.         Phytochemical Profile and Selective Cytotoxic Activity of a Solanum bulbocastanum Dun. Methanolic Extract on Breast Cancer Cells , Paraschiv, M.; Csiki, M.; Diaconeasa, Z.; Socaci, S.; Balacescu, O.; Rakosy-Tican, E.; Cruceriu, D. , Plants 2022, 11, 3262 IF=4.658
105.         Phytochemical Profile,  Evaluation, Antioxidant and Wound Healing Potential of Three Artemisia Species: In Vitro and In Ovo Minda, D.; Ghiulai, R.; Banciu, C.D.; Pavel, I.Z.; Danciu, C.; Racoviceanu, R.; Soica, C.; Budu, O.D.; Muntean, D.; Diaconeasa, Z.; Dehelean, C.A.; Avram, S.  , Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 1359 IF=2.838
106.         Plant Microbiome Engineering: Hopes or Hypes; Muhammad Siddique Afrdid, Sher Ali, Abdul Salam, Willian C´esar Terra, Aqsa Hafeez, Sumaira ., Babar Ali, Mona S. AlTami, Fuad Ameen, Sezai Ercisli, Romina Alina Marc, Flavio H V. Medeiros, Rohini Karunakaran * , Biology 2022, 11(12), 1782 IF= 5.168
107.         Plants’ Physio-Biochemical and Phyto-Hormonal Responses to Alleviate the Adverse Effects of Drought Stress: A Comprehensive Review, Abdul Wahab , Gholamreza Abdi, Muhammad Hamzah Saleem , Baber Ali , Saqib Ullah, Wadood Shah , Sahar Mumtaz , Ghulam Yasin , Crina Carmen Muresan and Romina Alina Marc , Plants 2022, 11, 1620. IF= 4.658
108.         Polyphenols from Dichrostachys cinerea Fruits Anti-Inflammatory, Analgesic, and Antioxidant Capacity in Freund’s Adjuvant-Induced Arthritic Rat Model, Gisèle Atsang à Kiki, Raluca Maria Pop, Octavia Sabin, Ioana Corina Bocsan, Veronica Sanda Chedea, Sonia Ancuța Socaci, Alina Elena Pârvu, Egre Finsia, Takvou Francis, Zramah Mathieu, Anca Dana Buzoianu , Sep 2022 | MOLECULES 27 (17) IF=4.927
109.         Polyphenols-Gut Microbiota Interrelationship: A Transition to a New Generation of Prebiotics By Plamada, Diana,Vodnar, Dan Cristian , NUTRIENTS,Volume14 Issue1 Article Number137 DOI10.3390/nu14010137 PublishedJAN 2022 IF=6.706
110.         Polysaccharide-Based Edible Gels as Functional Ingredients: Characterization, Applicability, and Human Health Benefits, Mihaela Stefana Pascuta, Rodica-Anita Varvara, Bernadette-Emoke Teleky, Katalin Szabo,Diana Plamada, Silvia-Amalia Nemes, Laura Mitrea, Gheorghe Adrian Martău, Călina Ciont, Lavinia Florina Călinoiu, Gabriel Barta and Dan Cristian Vodnar , Gels, Volume 8 Issue 8 Article Number 524 IF= 4.432
111.         Postharvest dormancy-related changes of endogenous hormones in relation to different dormancy breaking methods of potato tuber, Muhammad Wasim Haider, Muhammad Nafees, Ishtiaq Ahmad, Aqsa Hafeez, Rashid Iqbal, Dan Cristian Vodnar, Romina Alina Marc, Ahmed Z Dewidar, Abdullah F Alaklabi, Hosam O Elansary, Muhammad Hamzah Saleem, Baber Ali , Front. Plant Sci., 2022, 13, 94525 IF= 6.627
112.         Protective effects of peptides on the cell wall structure of yeast under osmotic stress X Jin, M Chen, TE Coldea, H Yang, H Zhao , Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 106 (21), 7051-7061, 2022 IF= 5.56
113.         Recent Progress in Functional Edible Food Packaging Based on Gelatin and Chitosan By Stefanescu, Bianca Eugenia,Socaciu, Carmen,Vodnar, Dan Cristian , COATINGS,Volume12 Issue12 Article Number1815 DOI10.3390/coatings12121815 PublishedDEC 2022 IF=3.236
114.         Reintegration of brewers spent grains in the food chain: Nutritional, functional and sensorial aspects, Farcas, Anca Corina, Sonia Ancuța Socaci, Maria Simona Chiș, Oana Lelia Pop, Melinda Fogarasi, Adriana Păucean, Marta Igual, and Delia Michiu , Plants 2021, 10(11), 2504 IF= 4.658
115.         Role of endophytic bacteria in salinity stress amelioration by physiological and molecular mechanisms of defense: A comprehensive review, Baber Ali, Aqsa Hafeeza, Muhammad Ammar Javed, Muhammad Siddique Afridi, Hina Ali Abbasi, Ayesha Qayyum, Tayyaba Batool, Abid Ullah, Romina Alina Marc, Soad K. Al Jaouni, Dalal Hussien M. Alkhalifah, Samy Selim , South African Journal of Botany, 2022, 151, 33-46 IF= 3.111
116.         Screening of the Romanian maize (Zea mays L.) germplasm for crtRB1 and lcyE alleles enhancing the provitamin A concentration in endosperm. – Băcilă, I., Voichița, H. A. Ș., Șuteu, D., Miclăuș, M., Coste, A., Muntean, E., Vana, C.D., Varga, A., Călugăr, R.,Copândean, A. , Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 2022, 50(3), 12621-12621. IF=1.249
117.         Screening, optimization and characterization of exopolysaccharides produced by novel strains isolated from Moroccan raw donkey milk By Derdak, Reda,Sakoui, Souraya,Pop, Oana Lelia,Vodnar, Dan Cristian,Addoum, Boutaina,Elmakssoudi, Abdelhakim,Errachidi, Faouzi,Suharoschi, Ramona,Soukri, Abdelaziz,El Khalfi,Bouchra , FOOD CHEMISTRY-X,Volume14 Article Number100305 DOI10.1016/j.fochx.2022.100305 PublishedJUN 30 2022 IF=6.443
118.         SERS liquid biopsy in breast cancer. What can we learn from SERS on serum and urine?, Iancu, SD (Iancu, Stefania D.) [1] ; Cozan, RG (Cozan, Ramona G.) [1] ; Stefancu, A (Stefancu, Andrei) [1] ; David, M (David, Maria) [2] ; Moisoiu, T (Moisoiu, Tudor) [3] , [4] , [5] ; Moroz-Dubenco, C (Moroz-Dubenco, Cristiana) [6] ; Bajcsi, A (Bajcsi, Adel) [6] ; Chira, C (Chira, Camelia) [6] ; Andreica, A (Andreica, Anca) [6] ; Leopold, LF (Leopold, Loredana F.) [7] ; Eniu, D (Eniu, Daniela) [4] ; Staicu, A (Staicu, Ade , SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, 2022, Volume 273 IF=4.831
119.         Short-term responses of Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) to the individual and combinatorial effects of NPK and silicon in the soil contaminated by boron, Jing Ma, Sajjad Ali, Muhammad Hamzah Saleem, Sahar Mumtaz, Ghulam Yasin, Baber Ali, Abdullah Ahmed Al-Ghamdi, Mohamed S Elshikh, Dan C Vodnar*, Romina Alina Marc*, Abdur Rehman, Muhammad Nauman Khan, Fu Chen, Shafaqat Ali , Front. Plant Sci., 2022, 13, 983156 IF= 6.627
120.         Spicy and Aromatic Plants for Meat and Meat Analogues Applications, Romina Alina Marc, Vlad Mureșan, Andruţa E Mureșan, Crina Carmen Mureșan, Anda E Tanislav, Andreea Pușcaș, Georgiana Smaranda Marţiș, Rodica Ana Ungu , Plants 2022, 11, 960. IF= 4.658
121.         Stachys lavandulifolia Populations: Volatile Oil Profile and Morphological Diversity,Mohammad Bagher Hassanpouraghdam , Yadeghar Salimi, Mohammad Reza Morshedloo, Mohammad Asadi, Farzad Rasouli , Sezai Ercisli , Hafize Fidan, Crina Carmen Muresan and Romina Alina Marc* , Agronomy 2022, 12, 1430. IF= 3.949
122.         Structure, chemical stability and antioxidant activity of melanoidins extracted from dark beer by acetone precipitation and macroporous resin adsorption Q Zhang, M Chen, TE Coldea, H Yang, H Zhao , Food Research International Volume 164, February 2023, 112045 IF= 7.425
123.         The Chemical Composition And The Antibacterial Activity Of Essential Oils Obtained From Three Varieties Of Mentha X Piperita F. Citrata, Rodica Varban, Daniela Benedec, Sonia Socaci, Daniela Hanganu, Dan Varban, Carmen Pop, MIRELA MĂRGINEAN, Ilioara Oniga , May-jun 2022 | FARMACIA 70 (3) , pp.440-446 IF=1.55
124.         The Current Status, Bioactivity, Food, and Pharmaceutical Approaches of Calocybe indica: A Review, Shashikant, M., A. Bains, P. Chawla, M. Fogarasi, and S. Fogarasi , Antioxidants (Basel), 2022. 11(6) IF= 7.675
125.         The effect of 100–200 nm ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticles on the in vitro-grown soybean plants, Leopold, L.F.; Coman, C.; Clapa, D.; Oprea, I.; Toma, A.; Iancu, Ș.D.; Barbu-Tudoran, L.; Suciu, M.; Ciorîță, A.; Cadiș, A.I., et al.  , Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2022, 216, 112536 IF=5.999
126.         The Feasibility of Shellac Wax Emulsion Oleogels as Low-Fat Spreads Analyzed by Means of Multidimensional Statistical Analysis, Pușcaș Andreea, Vlad Mureșan , Gels, 2022, Volume 8(11):749 IF= 4.43
127.         The first study of probiotic properties and biological activities of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Bat guano from Er-rachidia, Morocco By Sakoui, Souraya,Derdak, Reda,Addoum, Boutaina,Pop, Oana Lelia,Vodnar, Dan Cristian,Suharoschi, Ramona,Soukri, Abdelaziz,El Khalfi, Bouchra , LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,Volume159 Article Number113224 DOI10.1016/j.lwt.2022.113224 PublishedAPR 1 2022 IF=6.056
128.         The Impact of Insect Flour on Sourdough Fermentation-Fatty Acids, Amino-Acids, Minerals and Volatile Profile, Beldean (Tatar) Bianca Vasilica, Maria Simona Chis, Ersilia Alexa, Carmen Pop, Adriana Paucean, Simona Man, Marta Igual, Kovacs Melinda Haydee, Kovacs Emoke Dalma, Sorin Stanila, Sonia Socaci, Anca Farcas, Adina Berbecea, Iuliana Popescu and Sevastit,a Muste , Insects 2022, 13, 576. IF= 3.141
129.         The Influence of Flag Leaf Removal and Its Characteristics on Main Yield Components and Yield Quality Indices on Wheat.- Racz, I., Hirişcău, D., Berindean, I., Kadar, R., Muntean, E., Tritean, N.,Russu F., Ona, A., Muntean, L. , Agronomy, 2022, 12(10), 2545. IF=3.949
130.         The physicochemical properties of five vegetable oils exposed at high temperature for a short-time-interval,Laura Mitrea a, Bernadette-Emoke Teleky a, Loredana-Florina Leopold a, Silvia-Amalia Nemes a, Diana Plamada a, Francisc Vasile Dulfb,*, Ioana-Delia Pop c, Dan Cristian Vodnar , Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, Volume106 Article Number104305 IF=4.52
131.         The Potential Impact of Smog Spell on Humans’ Health Amid COVID-19 Rages; Ammar Javed, Farheen Aamir, Umar Farooq Gohar, Hamid Mukhtar, Muhammad Zia-UI-Haq*, Modhi O. Alotaibi, May Nasser Bin-Jumah, Romina Alina Marc (Vlaic)* and Oana Lelia Pop , International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18 (11408), 1-19 IF=4.614
132.         Ultrasound Protects Human Chondrocytes from Biochemical and Ultrastructural Changes Induced by Oxidative Stress Autori Rodica Ana Ungur, Adriana Muresan, Diana Elena Olteanu, Adrian Florea, Viorela Mihaela Ciortea, Laszlo Irsay, Ileana Monica Borda, Răzvan Andrei Codea, Ciprian Andrei Ober, Ștefana Bâlici, Simona Căinap, Eleonora Dronca, Georgiana Smaranda Martiș, Ioana Anamaria Onac, Şoimiţa Mihaela Suciu , Appl. Sci. 2022, 12(5), 2334 IF= 2.838
133.         Walnut oil oleogels as milk fat replacing system for commercially available chocolate butter, Pușcaș, A., Tanislav, A. E., Mureșan, A. E., Fărcaș, A. C., & Mureșan, V. , Gels, 2022, 8.10: 613. IF= 4.43
134.         Waste cooking oil and crude glycerol as efficient renewable biomass for the production of platform organic chemicals through oleophilic yeast strain of Yarrowia lipolytica Autori Laura Mitrea, Lavinia-Florina Călinoiu, Bernadette-Emőke Teleky, Katalin Szabo, Adrian-Gheorghe Martău, Bianca-Eugenia Ştefănescu, Francisc-Vasile Dulf, Dan-Cristian Vodnar , 2022/11/1 Jurnal Environmental Technology & Innovation Volumul 28 Pagini 102943 Editor Elsevier IF=7.758
135.         Wheat Gluten Peptides Enhance Ethanol Stress Tolerance by Regulating the Membrane Lipid Composition in Yeast X Jin, H Yang, TE Coldea, ML Andersen, H Zhao , Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 70 (16), 5057-5065, 2022 IF= 5.895


Anul 2021

1.              Circulating amino acids as fingerprints of visceral adipose tissue independent of insulin resistance: a targeted metabolomic research in women, Muresan, AA; Rusu, A; Pop, RM; Vonica, CL; Hancu, N; Bocsan, C; Socaciu, C; Bala, CG; Roman, G, 2021 , Revista Romana De Medicina De Laborator 2021 29 4 439 451, IF=1.027
2.              3D Food Printing: Principles of Obtaining Digitally-Designed Nourishment By Varvara, RA (Varvara, Rodica-Anita) Szabo, K (Szabo, Katalin) , Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan Cristian), 2021,  , NUTRIENTS Volume13 Issue10 Article Number3617,  PublishedOCT 2021, , IF=5.719
3.              A Review of the Composition and Health Benefits of Sweet Potato , Bogdana Grebla – Al-Zaben1, Vanda Babalau – Fuss1,2, Suzana Elena Biris-Dorhoi1, Ioana Talos1, Maria Tofana, 2021, IF=0
4.              A Review on Antifungal Efficiency of Plant Extracts Entrenched Polysaccharide-Based Nanohydrogels, Navkiranjeet Kaur, Aarti Bains, Ravinder Kaushik, Sanju B. Dhull, Fogarasi Melinda and Prince Chawla, 2021,  , Nutrients 2021, 13(6), 2055;, IF=5.719
5.              Advanced Characterization of Hemp Flour (Cannabis sativa L.) from Dacia Secuieni and Zenit Varieties, Compared to Wheat Flour; Iulian-Eugen Rusu, Romina Alina Marc (Vlaic)*, Crina Carmen Mureşan*, Andruţa Elena Mureşan, Miuţa Rafila Filip, Bogdan-Mihai, 2021,  Onica, Kádár Balázs Csaba, Ersilia Alexa, Lidia Szanto and Sevastiţa Muste , Plants, 2021, 10 (1237), 1-14, IF=3.935
6.              Aloe vera gel microcapsules and essential oils of thyme and oregano incorporated in spreadable goat cheese: impact on its microbiological, physicochemical, and sensory characteristics during storage By Jimborean, MA (Jimborean, Mirela A.) Borsa, A (Borsa, Andrei) Michiu, D (Michiu, Delia) Rotar, AM (Rotar, Ancuta M.) Semeniuc, CA (Semeniuc, Cristina A.) Pop, CR (Pop, Carmen R.) Salanta, LC (Salanta, Liana C.) Tibulca, D (Tibulca, Dorin) 1 Balteanu, VA (Balteanu, Valentin A.), 2021,  , Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca Volume 49, Issue 1, Article number 12001, , IF=1.444
7.              An Overview of the Factors Influencing Apple Cider Sensory and Microbial Quality from Raw Materials to Emerging Processing Technologies, Calugar, P.C.; Coldea, T.E.; Salanță, L.C.; Pop, C.R.; Pasqualone, A.; Burja-Udrea, C.; Zhao, H.; Mudura, E., 2021,  , Processes, 2021, 9, 502, IF=2.847
8.              Ancient Wheat Species: Biochemical Profile and Impact on Sourdough Bread Characteristics—A Review Larisa Rebeca Serban , Adriana Paucean , Simona Maria Man , Maria Simona Chis and Vlad Muresan, 2021,  , Processes 2021, 9, 2008, 1-20, , IF=2.847
9.              Anthocyanins: Factors Affecting Their Stability and Degradation; Enaru, B (Enaru, Bianca) Dretcanu, G (Dretcanu, Georgiana) Pop, TD (Pop, Teodora Daria) Stanila, A (Stanila, Andreea) Diaconeasa, Z (Diaconeasa, Zorita), 2021,  , Antioxidants; Volume10 Issue12 Article Number1967,2021, IF=6.313
10.           Antimicrobial Effects of Basil, Summer Savory and Tarragon Lyophilized Extracts in Cold Storage Sausages By Macari, A (Macari, Artur) 1 Sturza, R (Sturza, Rodica) 1 Lung, I (Lung, Ildiko) 2 Soran, ML (Soran, Maria-Loredana) 2 Opris, O (Opris, Ocsana) 2 Balan, G (Balan, Greta) 3 Ghendov-Mosanu, A (Ghendov-Mosanu, Aliona) 1 Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan Cristian) 4 Cojocari, D (Cojocari, Daniela), 2021,  , MOLECULES Volume26 Issue21 Article Number6678  PublishedNOV 2021, , IF=4.412

11.           Apple Fermented Products: An Overview of Technology, Properties and Health Effects, Guiné RPF, Barroca MJ, Coldea TE, Bartkiene E, Anjos O., 2021 , Processes. 2021; 9(2):223, IF=2.847
12.           Apple Pomace as a Sustainable Substrate in Sourdough Fermentation Gheorghe Adrian Marta˘ u1,2, Bernadette-Emo˝ ke Teleky1, Floricut¸a Ranga2, Ioana Delia Pop3 and Dan Cristian Vodnar, 2021,  , Front. Microbiol., 15 December 2021 | , IF=5.64
13.           Application of Analytical Methods for the Comprehensive Analysis of Oleogels—A Review,by Andreea Pușcaș,Vlad MureșanSevastița Muste, 2021,  , Polymers, 2021,13(12), 1934, IF=4.329
14.           Attenuated Total Reflectance – Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Applied For The Evaluation Of Essential Oils’ Pattern Recognition And Thermo-Oxidative Stability: A Comparative Study, Popa, RM; Fetea, F; Socaciu, C, 2021 , Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia 2021 66 4 33 50, IF=0.447
15.           Bioaccessibility of microencapsulated carotenoids, recovered from tomato processing industrial by-products, using in vitro digestion model Katalin Szabo a, Bernadette Em˝oke Teleky a, Floricuta Ranga b, Elemer Simon b, Oana Lelia Pop b, Vanda Babalau-Fuss c, Nikolas Kapsalis d, Dan Cristian Vodnar a, , LWT – Food Science and Technology 152 (2021) 112285, IF=4.952
16.           Bioactive compounds, volatile, and texture profile of muffins after partial substitution of butter and milk; Crina Carmen Mureşan, Romina Alina (Vlaic) Marc*, Vlad Mureşan, Andruţa Mureşan, Georgiana Marţiş, Sonia Socaci, Anca Farcaş, Miuţa Rafila Filip, Sevastiţa Muste , International Food Research Journal, 2021, 28(3), 489 – 502, IF=1.014
17.           Bioactives from Mushroom: Health Attributes and Food Industry Applications, Aarti Bains, Prince Chawla, Sawinder Kaur, Agnieszka Najda, Melinda Fogarasi and Szabolcs Fogarasi , Materials 2021, 14(24), 7640; , IF=3.623
18.           Biological Activities of Methanolic Extract of Aegle marmelos against HN Protein of Newcastle Disease Virus; Rahat Andleeb, Muhammad Umar Ijaz, Azhar Rafique, Asma Ashraf, Naheed Bano, Nimrah Zafar, Faisal Tasleem, Romina Alina Marc (Vlaic) *, Oana Lelia Pop, Hanadi Talal Ahmedah , Agronomy, 2021, 11 (1784), 1-24, IF=3.417
19.           Biologically Active Extracts from Different Medicinal Plants Tested as Potential Additives against Bee Pathogens Pasca, C , Matei, IA Diaconeasa, Z , Rotaru, A Erler, S Dezmirean, DS , Antibiotics 2021, 10(8), 960; , IF=4.639
20.           Biomolecular Evaluation of Lavandula stoechas L. for Nootropic Activity; Aamir Mushtaq, Rukhsana Anwar, Umar Farooq Gohar, Mobasher Ahmad, Romina Alina Marc (Vlaic)* , Crina Carmen Mureşan, Marius Irimie, Elena Bobescu , Plants, 2021, 10 (1259), 1-14, IF=3.935
21.           Bio-vanillin: Towards a sustainable industrial production Autori Gheorghe Adrian Martău, Lavinia-Florina Călinoiu, Dan Cristian Vodnar , Trends in Food Science & Technology Volume 109, March 2021, Pages 579-592, IF=12.563
22.           Biscuit Contaminants, Their Sources and Mitigation Strategies: A Review, Pasqualone A, Haider NN, Summo C, Coldea TE, George SS, Altemimi AB. , Foods. 2021; 10(11):2751., IF=4.35
23.           Botanical Therapeutics (Part II): Antimicrobial and In Vitro Anticancer Activity against MCF7 Human Breast Cancer Cells of Chamomile, Parsley and Celery Alcoholic Extracts, Danciu, C., O. Cioanca, C. Watz, M. Hancianu, R. Racoviceanu, D. Muntean, I. Zupko, C. Oprean, C. Tatu, V. Paunescu, M. Proks, Z. Diaconeasa, C. Soica, I. Pinzaru and C. Dehelean , Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry (2021). 21(2): 187-20, , IF=2.507
24.           C ATR-FTIR-MIR Spectrometry and Pattern Recognition of Bioactive Volatiles in Oily versus Microencapsulated Food Supplements: Authenticity, Quality, and Stability, Popa, RM; Fetea, F; Socaciu, 2021,  , MOLECULES 2021 26 16, IF=4.412
25.           Can Ultrasound Therapy Be an Environmental-Friendly Alternative to Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in Knee Osteoarthritis Treatment? By Ungur, RA, Ciortea, VM, Irsay, L, Ciubean, AD, Nasui, BA, Codea, RA, Singurean, VE, Groza, OB, Cainap, S, Martis , GS* Borda C, Borda IM., , MATERIALS, 2021, 14 Issue11, 1-15, IF=3.623
26.           Cereal Processing By-Products as Rich Sources of Phenolic Compounds and Their Potential Bioactivities, A Fărcaș, G Drețcanu, TD Pop, B Enaru, S Socaci, Z Diaconeasa , Nutrients 2021, 13(11), 3934, IF=5.719
27.           Changes in Physicochemical and Microbiological Properties, Fatty Acid and Volatile Compound Profiles of Apuseni Cheese during Ripening; Crina Carmen Mureşan, Romina Alina (Vlaic) Marc*, Cristina Anamaria Semeniuc, Sonia Ancuţa Socaci, Anca Farcaş, Dulf Fracisc, Carmen Rodica Pop, Ancuţa Rotar, Andreea Dodan, Vlad Mureşan and Andruţa Elena Mureşan , Foods, 2021, 10 (258), 1-15, IF=4.35
28.           Characterization of a Potential Isozyme Laccase from Trametes polyzona MPS1‑3 and its Contribution to Palm Oil Mill Efuent Treatment,Benedicte Z. E. Aka1,2,3 · Theodore N. Djeni · Hubert K. Konan · Cristina A. Semeniuc · Ancuţa M. Rotar · Ramona Suharoschi · Marcellin K. Dje , Current Microbiology (2021) 78:3246–3257 , IF=2.188
29.           Chemical and sensorial characterization of spray driedhydroSOStainablealmond milk By Lipan, L (Lipan, Leontina) 1 Rusu, BD (Rusu, Bogdan) 2 Simon, EL (Simon, Elemer L.) 2 Sendra, E (Sendra, Esther) 1 Hernandez, F (Hernandez, Francisca) 3 Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan C.) 2 Corell, M (Corell, Mireia) 4 , 5 Carbonell-Barrachina, A (Carbonell-Barrachina, Angel) , Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture Volume101 Issue4 Page1372-1381, , IF=3.639
30.           Chemical Profile, Cytotoxic Activity and Oxidative Stress Reduction of Different Syringa vulgaris L. Extracts By Hanganu, D (Hanganu, Daniela) 1 Niculae, M (Niculae, Mihaela) 2 Ielciu, I (Ielciu, Irina) 3 Olah, NK (Olah, Neli-Kinga) 4 , 5 Munteanu, M (Munteanu, Melania) 6 Burtescu, R (Burtescu, Ramona) 4 Stefan, R (Stefan, Razvan) 7 Olar, L (Olar, Loredana) 2 Pall, E (Pall, Emoke) 2 Andrei, S (Andrei, Sanda) 7 Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan C.) 8 Benedec, D (Benedec, Daniela) 1 Oniga, I (Oniga, Ilioara) , MOLECULES Volume26 Issue11 Article Number3104,  PublishedJUN 2021, , IF=4.412
31.           Chemical-Electrochemical Process Concept for Lead Recovery from Waste Cathode Ray Tube Glass, Imre-Lucaci, Fogarasi M, Imre-Lucaci F, Fogarasi S, , Materials, 2021, Volume14 Issue 6,, IF=3.623
32.           Comparative Authenticity Signatures of Six Essential Oils Used as Food Flavors: a Gas chromatography – Mass Spectrometry Approach, Popa, RM; Socaci, S; Farcas, A; Socaciu, C, 2021,  , Bulletin Of University Of Agricultural Sciences And Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca-Food Science And Technology 2021 78 1 88 100, , IF=0
33.           Comparative efficiency of different solvents for the anthocyanins extraction from chokeberries and black carrots, to preserve their antioxidant activity Nistor, M., Diaconeasa, Z., Frond, A.D. et al , CHEMICAL PAPERS Volume75 Issue2 Page813-822  , IF=2.097
34.           Comparative Protective Effect of Nigella sativa Oil and Vitis vinifera Seed Oil in an Experimental Model of Isoproterenol-Induced Acute Myocardial Ischemia in Rats, Ioana Corina Bocsan, Raluca Maria Pop, Octavia Sabin, Elias Sarkandy, Paul-Mihai Boarescu, Ştefan Horia Roşian, Poliana Mihaela Leru, Veronica Sanda Chedea, Sonia Ancuța Socaci, Anca Dana Buzoianu , Molecules 2021, 26(11), 3221;  , IF=4.412
35.           Comparison of Different Extraction Solvents for Characterization of Antioxidant Potential and Polyphenolic Composition in Boletus edulis and Cantharellus cibarius Mushrooms from Romania, Melinda Fogarasi, Maria-Ioana Socaciu, Claudiu-Dan Sălăgean, Floricuța Ranga, Anca Corina Fărcaș, Sonia Ancuța Socaci, Carmen Socaciu, Dorin Țibulcă, Szabolcs Fogarasi, Cristina Anamaria Semeniuc , Molecules 2021, 26, 7508. , IF=4.412
36.           Correlation between Volumes Determined by Echocardiography and Cardiac MRI in Controls and Atrial Fibrillation Patients, Manole S, Budurea C, Pop S, Iliescu AM, Ciortea CA, Iancu SD, et al., 2021 , Life. 2021;11(12):1362. , IF=3.817
37.           Delivery Systems of Polyphenols and Their Potential Health Benefits, Enaru, B; Socaci, S; Farcas, A; Socaciu, C; Danciu, C; Stanila, A; Diaconeasa, Z Novel, 2021,  , PHARMACEUTICALS 2021 14 10 946, , IF=5.863
38.           Determination of Phenolic Compounds in Gluten Free Pasta Fortified with Vegetal Powders , Ioana Talos1, Elena-Suzana Biriș-Dorhoi1, Floricuta Ranga1, Vanda Babalau–Fuss2 and Maria Tofana1, 2021, Bulletin Of University Of Agricultural Sciences And Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca-Food Science And Technology, , IF=0
39.           Development of new 2-methyl-4-salicylamide thiazole derivatives: synthesis, antimicrobial activity evaluation, lipophilicity and molecular docking study by Pop, B (Pop, Bianca) Ionut, I (Ionut, Ioana) Marc, G (Marc, Gabriel) Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan Cristian) Pirnau, A (Pirnau, Adrian) Vlase, L (Vlase, Laurian) Oniga, O (Oniga, Ovidiu), FARMACIA Volume69 Issue4 Page724-731 PublishedJUL-AUG 2021, IF=1.433
40.           Dietary Fiber and Prebiotic Compounds in Fruits and Vegetables Food Waste; Corina Pop,Ramona Suharoschi and Oana Lelia Pop , Sustainability 2021, 13(13), 7219, IF=3.251
41.           Drinking Behavior, Taste Preferences and Special Beer Perception among Romanian University Students: A Qualitative Assessment Research, Jimborean, M.A.; Salant, ˘a, L.C.; Trusek, A.; Pop, C.R.; Tofan˘a, M.; Mudura, E.; Coldea, T.E.; Farcas,, A.; Ilies , , M.; Pas,ca, S.;, Uifalean, A. , J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 3307. , IF=3.39
42.           Editorial: Recent Advances in Microbial Biotechnology for the Food Industry , FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY Volume12 Article Number746636 PublishedSEP 27 2021, IF=5.64
43.           Effect of Agaricus bisporus and Origanum majorana l extract on the Shelf-life and Nutritional properties of Pork Liver Pâté by Dorin Tibulca, Melinda Fogarasia, Sonia A. Socaci, Szabolcs Fogarasic, Carmen Pop, Dan Salagean, Maria Tofană, Delia Michiu – neraportata in 2020 , STUDIA UBB CHEMIA, LXV, 2, 2020 (p. 197-208), , IF=0.494
44.           Effect of Medicago sativa Addition on Physicochemical, Nutritional and Functional Characteristics of Corn Extrudates Marta Igual, Maria Simona Chis, Sonia Ancut,a Socaci  , Dan Cristian Vodnar  , Floricut,a Ranga, Javier Martínez-Monzó  and Purificación García-Segovia, Foods, 2021, 10, 1-21, , IF=4.35
45.           Effect on Nutritional and Functional Characteristics by Encapsulating Rose canina Powder in Enriched Corn Extrudates, Marta Igual, Maria Simona Chiş, Adriana Păucean, Dan Cristian Vodnar, Floricuța Ranga, Tania Mihăiescu, Anamaria Iulia Török, Anca Fărcaș, Javier Martínez-Monzó, Purificación García-Segovia , Foods 10 (10), 2401, IF=4.35
46.           Effects of Whey Protein Isolate-Based Film Incorporated with Tarragon Essential Oil on the Quality and Shelf-Life of Refrigerated Brook Trout, Maria-Ioana Socaciu, Melinda Fogarasi, Elemér Lajos Simon, Cristina Anamaria Semeniuc, Sonia Ancuţa Socaci, Andersina Simina Podar, Dan Cristian Vodnar , Foods 2021, 10, 401. , IF=4.35
47.           Electrospun Nanosystems Based on PHBV and ZnO for Ecological Food Packaging By Rapa, M (Rapa, Maria) Stefan, M (Stefan, Maria) Popa, PA (Popa, Paula Adriana) 2 Toloman, D (Toloman, Dana) Leostean, C (Leostean, Cristian) Borodi, G (Borodi, Gheorghe) Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan Cristian) Wrona, M (Wrona, Magdalena) Salafranca, J (Salafranca, Jesus) Nerin, C (Nerin, Cristina) Barta, DG (Barta, Daniel Gabriel) Suciu, M (Suciu, Maria) Predescu, C (Predescu, Cristian) Matei, E (Matei, Ecateri , 2021, Polymers Volume13 Issue13 Article Number2123 , IF=4.329
48.           Elemental composition, antioxidant and antibacterial properties of some wild edible mushrooms from Romania by Fogarasi, M., Diaconeasa, Z.M., Pop, C.R., Fogarasi, S., Semeniuc, C.A., Fărcaş, A.C., Țibulcă, D., Sălăgean, C.-D., Tofană, M., Socaci, S.A. – neraportata in 2020 , Agronomy, 10(2), Article ID 1972, 2021; , IF=2.603
49.           Endothelial Dysfunction, Inflammation, and Oxidative Stress in COVID-19-Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targets; Fodor, A (Fodor, Adriana) Tiperciuc, B (Tiperciuc, Brandusa) Login, C (Login, Cezar) Orasan, OH (Orasan, Olga H.) Lazar, AL (Lazar, Andrada L.) Buchman, C (Buchman, Cristina) Hanghicel, P (Hanghicel, Patricia) 7 Sitar-Taut, A (Sitar-Taut, Adela) 4 Suharoschi, R (Suharoschi, Ramona) Vulturar, R (Vulturar, Romana) Cozma, A (Cozma, Angela) , Oxidative Medicine And Cellular Longevity; 2021; 1-15, IF=6.543
50.           Evaluation of Non-Encapsulated and Microencapsulated Lactic Acid Bacteria By Dumitru, M (Dumitru, Mihaela) Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan Cristian) Elemer, S (Elemer, Simon) Ciurescu, G (Ciurescu, Georgeta) Habeanu, M (Habeanu, Mihaela) Sorescu, I (Sorescu, Ionut) Georgescu, SE (Georgescu, Sergiu Emil) Dudu, A (Dudu, Andreea) , Applied Sciences-Basel Volume11 Issue21 Article Number9867 , IF=2.679
51.           Evaluation of the bioactive compounds found in tomato seed oil and tomato peels influenced by industrial heat treatments Autori Katalin Szabo, Francisc Vasile Dulf, Bernadette-Emőke Teleky, Panagiota Eleni, Christos Boukouvalas, Magdalini Krokida, Nikolas Kapsalis, Alexandru Vasile Rusu, Claudia Terezia Socol, Dan Cristian Vodnar , Foods 2021, 10(1), 110, 1-16, IF=4.35
52.           Extracts of the Wild Potato Species Solanum chacoense on Breast Cancer Cells: Biochemical Characterization, In Vitro Selective Cytotoxicity and Molecular Effects, Daniel Cruceriu, Zorita Diaconeasa, Sonia Socaci, Carmen Socaciu, Ovidiu Balacescu, Elena Rakosy-Tican , Nutrition And Cancer-An International Journal Volume73 Issue4 Page 630-641, IF=2.9
53.           Extracts of the Wild Potato Species Solanum chacoense on Breast Cancer Cells: Biochemical Characterization, In Vitro Selective Cytotoxicity and, Daniel Cruceriu, Zorita Diaconeasa, Sonia Socaci, Carmen Socaciu, Ovidiu Balacescu & Elena Rakosy-Tican (2021)  Molecular Effects, , Nutrition and Cancer, 73:4, 630-641,, IF=2.9
54.           Fatty Acids Composition From Rosa Canina And Prunus Spinosa Plant Fruit Oil,Vanda Băbălău-Fussa,B, Lacrimioara Senilaa, Anca Beczea, Oana Bogdana Al-Zabenb, Marcel Dirjab,*, Maria Tofană, 2021,  , STUDIA UBB CHEMIA, LXVI, 2, 2021 (p. 41-48), , IF=0.447
55.           Food Security during the Pandemic and the Importance of the Bioeconomy in the New Era, Farcas, AC; Galanakis, CM; Socaciu, C; Pop, OL; Tibulca, D; Paucean, A; Jimborean, MA; Fogarasi, M; Salanta, LC; Tofana, M; Socaci, SA, 2021,  , SUSTAINABILITY 2021 13 1, IF=3.251
56.           Frequency of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria in Broiler Meat, Nistor, AL; Mihai, M; Rotar AM; Pop, CR , 2021 | BULLETIN OF UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES AND VETERINARY MEDICINE CLUJ-NAPOCA-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 78 (2) , pp.44-57, IF=0
57.           Governmental Intervention and Its Impact on Growth, Economic Development, and Technology in OECD Countries, Autori: Arik Sadeh , Claudia Florina Radu, Cristina Feniser and Andrei Borsa, Sustainability, Basel, Elvetia E-ISSN 2071-1050, 2021 , Sustainability 2021, 13, 166, IF=3.251
58.           Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Flour-Based Wheat Bread as Fortified Bakery Product; Iulian Eugen Rusu, Romina Alina Marc (Vlaic)*, Crina Carmen Mureşan*, Andruţa Elena Mureşan, Vlad Mureşan, Carmen Rodica Pop, Maria Simona Chiş, Simona Maria Man, Miuţa Rafila Filip, Bogdan-Mihai Onica, Ersilia Alexa, Vasile-Gheorghe Vişan, Sevastiţa Muste , Plants, 2021, 10 (1558), 1-26, IF=3.935
59.           Honey botanical origin and honey-specific protein pattern: Characterization of some European honeys, Carmen Ioana Mureșan, Mihaiela Cornea-Cipcigan, Ramona Suharoschi, Silvio Erler, Rodica Mărgăoan , LWT, 2022, Volume 154, 112883, IF=4.952
60.           Indexing methods and chemometric analysis of selected metals and metalloids for drinking water quality assessment in Upper Silesia region, Poland. Pecyna-Utylska P., Muntean E., Kenert J., Michalski R., , International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 1-19, 2021, 0, IF=2.826
61.           Influence of Marination with Aromatic Herbs and Cold Pressed Oils on Black Angus Beef Meat Vasile-Gheorghe Vi¸san , Maria Simona Chi¸s * , Adriana Paucean , Vlad Mures, an , Andreea Pus, cas, , Laura Stan , Dan Cristian Vodnar , Francisc Vasile Dulf , DorinT, ibulca , Bogdan Alin Vlaic, Iulian Eugen Rusu , Csaba Balasz Kadar and Augustin Vlaic , Foods 2021, 10, 2012, 1-22, , IF=4.35
62.           Influence of Oak Chips and Oak Barrel Ageing on Volatile Profile in Chardonnay Wine of Romania, Stegăruș DI, Călugăr A, Tanase C, Muscă A, Botoran OR, Manolache M, Babeș AC, Bunea C, Gál E, Bunea A, Coldea TE. , Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(8):3691., IF=2.679
63.           Inorganic Element Determination of Romanian Populus nigra L. Buds Extract and In Vitro Antiproliferative and Pro-Apoptotic Evaluation on A549 Human Lung Cancer cell line, Kis, B.; Pavel, I.Z.; Haidu, D.; Ștefănuț, M.N.; Diaconeasa, Z.; Danciu, C. , Pharmaceutics 2021, 13, 986. , IF=6.321
64.           Integration of Solid State and Submerged Fermentations for the Valorization of Organic Municipal Solid Waste; Gheorghe-Adrian Martău, Peter Unger, Roland Schneider, Joachim Venus, Dan Cristian Vodnar, JoséPablo López-Gómez , JOURNAL OF FUNGI, Volume 7, Issue 9, Article Number 766, , Published SEP 2021, IF=5.816
65.           Lipidomic Signatures for Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis and Progression Using UPLC-QTOF-ESI+MS, Rachieriu, C; Eniu, DT; Mois, E; Graur, F; Socaciu, C; Socaciu, MA; Al Hajjar, N, 2021,  , BIOMOLECULES 2021 11 3 417, IF=4.879
66.           Lipidomics: Advanced Analytical Technology To Identify Biomarkers Of Colorectal Cance , Claudiu Răchieriua,B, Dan T. Eniub,C, Emil Moişb,D, Florin Graurb,D, Carmen Socaciue*, Mihai Adrian Socaciuf , Nadim Alhajjar, 2021, R , STUDIA UBB CHEMIA, LXV, 4, decembrie 2020 (p. 203-215), IF=0.447
67.           Major Inorganic Ions in Polish Beers. Michalski R., Muntean E., Łyko A , Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca – Food Science and Technology, 78 (1), 48-56. , IF=0
68.           Metabolomic profile of colorectal cancer patients and its clinical implications, Rachieriu, C; Graur, F; Mois, E; Socaciu, C; Eniu, DT; Al Hajjar, N, 2021 , Romanian Biotechnological Letters 25 6 2045 2054, IF=0.765
69.           Metabolomics as a Tool to Elucidate the Sensory, Nutritional and Safety Quality of Wheat Bread—A Review Adriana Păucean, Vlad Mureșan *, Simona Maria-Man *, Maria Simona Chiș, Andruța Elena Mureșan, Larisa Rebeca Șerban, Anamaria Pop and Sevastița Muste , Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 8945, 2-17, , IF=5.924
70.           Metabonomic analysis reveals enhanced growth and ethanol production of brewer’s yeast by wheat gluten hydrolysates and potassium supplementation, Xiaofan Jin, Huirong Yang, Teodora Emilia Coldea, Yingchao Xu, Haifeng Zhao , LWT, Volume 145, 2021, 111387, IF=4.952
71.           Microalgae as sources of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: Biotechnological aspects., Barta DG, Coman V, Vodnar DC., 2021,  , Algal Res. 2021;58:13., IF=4.401
72.           Modification of structural and functional characteristics of brewer’s spent grain protein by ultrasound assisted extraction, Wanying Li, Huirong Yang, Teodora Emilia Coldea, Haifeng Zhao , LWT, Volume 139, 2021, 110582, IF=4.952
73.           N SERS liquid biopsy: An emerging tool for medical diagnosis, Moisoiu, V; Iancu, SD; Stefancu, A; Moisoiu, T; Pardini, B; Dragomir, MP; Crisan, N; Avram, L; Crisan, D; Andras, I; Fodor, D; Leopold, LF; Socaciu, C; Balint, Z; Tomuleasa, C; Elec, F; Leopold, 2021 , Colloids And Surfaces B-Biointerfaces 2021 208 112064, IF=5.268
74.           Novel Delivery Systems of Polyphenols and Their Potential Health Benefits, Bianca Enaru, Sonia Socaci, Anca Farcas, Carmen Socaciu, Corina Danciu, Andreea Stanila, Zorita Diaconeasa , Pharmaceuticals 14 (10), 946, IF=5.863
75.           Nutritional, Sensory, Texture Properties and Volatile Compounds Profile of Biscuits with Roasted Flaxseed Flour Partially Substituting for Wheat Flour Simona Maria Man , Laura Stan,* , Adriana Paucean,* , Maria Simona Chi¸s , Vlad Mure¸san , Sonia Ancu¸ta Socaci , Anamaria Pop and Sevasti¸ta Muste , Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4791, 1-16, , IF=2.679
76.           Optimization of moist and oven-dried bacterial cellulose production for functional properties, Ioana M. Bodea, Florin I. Beteg, Carmen R. Pop, Adriana P. David, Mircea Cristian Dudescu, Cristian Vilău, Andreea Stănilă, Ancuța M. Rotar, Giorgiana M. Cătunescu, Polymers 2021, 13(13), 2088; , IF=4.329
77.           Optimization of the drying process of autumn fruits rich in antioxidants: a study focusing on rosehip (Rosa canina L.) and sea buckthorn (Elaeagnus rhamnoides (L.) A. Nelson) and their bioactive properties By Moldovan, C (Moldovan, Cadmiel) Babota, M (Babota, Mihai) Mocan, A (Mocan, Andrei) Menghini, L (Menghini, Luigi) Cesa, S (Cesa, Stefania) 4 Gavan, A (Gavan, Alexandru) Sisea, C (Sisea, Cristian) Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan C.) Dias, MI (Dias, Maria Ines) 7 Pereira, C (Pereira, Carla) F , Food & Function Volume12 Issue9 Page3939-3953 Article Number928, 2021, IF=5.396
78.           Phenolic Thiazoles with Antioxidant and Antiradical Activity. Synthesis, In Vitro Evaluation, Toxicity, Electrochemical Behavior, Quantum Studies and Antimicrobial Screening By Marc, G (Marc, Gabriel) Stana, A (Stana, Anca) Franchini, AH (Franchini, Ana Horiana) Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan Cristian) Barta, G (Barta, Gabriel) Tertis, M (Tertis, Mihaela) Santa, I (Santa, Iulia) Cristea, C (Cristea, Cecilia) Pirnau, A (Pirnau, Adrian) Ciorita, A (Ciorita, Alexandra) Dume, B (Dume, Bogdan) , Antioxidants Volume10 Issue11 Article Number1707 PublishedNOV 2021 , IF=6.313
79.           Phenolics Dynamics and Infrared Fingerprints during the Storage of Pumpkin Seed Oil and Thereof Oleogel, Andreea Pușcaș,Andruța Mureșan, Floricuța Ranga,  Florinela Fetea ,Sevastița Muste, Carmen Socaciu  and Vlad Mureșan, Processes 2020, 8, 1412. , IF=2.847
80.           Photothermal property assessment of gold nanoparticle assemblies obtained by hydroxylamine reduction, István Sz. Tódor, Oana T. Marişca, Dumitrița Rugină, Zorița Diaconeasa, Loredana F. Leopold, Cristina Coman, Elisabeta Antonescu, László Szabó, Stefania D. Iancu, Zoltán Bálint, Nicolae Leopold , Colloid and Polymer Science (2020) 298:1369–13, (articol neinserat in anul de rapotare 2020), IF=1.931
81.           Physico-Chemical, Nutritional, and Sensory Evaluation of Two New Commercial Tomato Hybrids and Their Parental Lines, Felföldi, Z.; Ranga, F.; Socaci, S.A.; Farcas, A.; Plazas, M.; Sestras, A.F.; Vodnar, D.C.; Prohens, J.; Sestras, R.E. , Plants 10 (11), 2480, IF=3.935
82.           Phytochemical Content and Antioxidant Activity of Malus domestica Borkh Peel Extracts, Melnic Vasile, Andrea Bunea, Chira Romeo Ioan, Bunea Claudiu Ioan, Sonia Socaci, Mitre Viorel , Molecules 2021, 26, 7636., IF=4.412
83.           Plants of the Spontaneous Flora with Beneficial Action in the Management of Diabetes, Hepatic Disorders, and Cardiovascular Disease, Ignat, M.V.; Coldea, T.E.; Salanță, L.C.; Mudura, E. , Plants, 2021, 10, 216, IF=3.935
84.           Preliminary Results for Improving the Colloidal Stability of Sunflower Tahini and Halva Products by Wax Based Oleogelation Mechanism, Anda Elena Tanislav, Andreea Pușcaș, Andruța Mureșan, Georgiana Marțiș (Petruț), Romina Marc (Vlaic) And Vlad Mureșan , Bulletin Of University Of Agricultural Sciences And Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca-Food Science And Technology, 2021, Volume78 Issue2, IF=0
85.           Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Synbiotics: Implications and Beneficial Effects against Irritable Bowel Syndrome Autori Elemer Simon, Lavinia Florina Călinoiu, Laura Mitrea, Dan Cristian Vodnar , Nutrients, 2021/6, Volumul 13 Numărul 6 Pagini 2112, IF=5.719
86.           Protein-Based Films and Coatings for Food Industry Applications, Mihalca, Vlad, Andreea D. Kerezsi, Achim Weber, Carmen Gruber-Traub, Jürgen Schmucker, Dan C. Vodnar, Francisc V. Dulf, Sonia A. Socaci, Anca Fărcaș, Carmen I. Mureșan, Ramona Suharoschi, and Oana L. Pop , Polymers, 2021, 13, no. 5: 769, IF=4.329
87.           Real-time fluorescence imaging of anthocyanins complexed with diphenylboric acid 2-aminoethyl inside B16-F10 melanoma cells, Nistor, M; Focsan, M; Gaina, L; Cenariu, M; Pintea, A; Socaciu, C; Rugina, D, 2021 , PHYTOCHEMISTRY 2021 189 112849, IF=4.072
88.           Recent Advances in Biotechnological Itaconic Acid Production, and Application for a Sustainable Approach, Bernadette-Emőke Teleky, Dan Cristian Vodnar , Polymers 2021, 13(20), 3574; 1-22, IF=4.329
89.           Recent Advances in Phenolic Metabolites and Skin Cancer, Pop, TD and Diaconeasa, Z , Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22(18), 9707; , IF=5.924
90.           Red Oak (Quercus rubra L.) Fruits as Potential Alternative for Cocoa Powder: Optimization of Roasting Conditions, Antioxidant, and Biological Properties , Forests 2021, 12(8), 1088, IF=2.634
91.           Reintegration of Brewers Spent Grains in the Food Chain: Nutritional, Functional and Sensorial Aspects Anca Corina Farcas, * , Sonia Ancut,a Socaci , Maria Simona Chis,,* , Oana Lelia Pop , Melinda Fogarasi , Adriana Paucean , Marta Igual and Delia Michiu , Plants 2021, 10, 2504, 1-24,., IF=3.935
92.           SERS liquid biopsy: An emerging tool for medical diagnosis, Vlad Moisoiu, Stefania D.Iancua, Andrei Stefancu, Tudor Moisoiu, Barbara Pardinie, Mihnea P.Dragomir, Nicolae Crisan, Lucretia Avram, Dana Crisan, Iulia Andras, Daniela Fodor, Loredana F.Leopold, Carmen Socaciu, Zoltán Bálint, CiprianTomuleasa, FlorinElec, NicolaeLeopold , Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 208 (2021), 112064, IF=5.268
93.           Single Cell Protein: A Potential Substitute in Human and Animal Nutrition By Bratosin, BC (Bratosin, Bogdan Constantin) 1 Darjan, S (Darjan, Sorina) 2 Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan Cristian) 1 , 2 , SUSTAINABILITY Volume13 Issue16 Article Number9284 2021, IF=3.251
94.           Spreadable goat cheese incorporated with Aloe vera gel microcapsules and essential oils of thyme and oregano: impact on microbiological, physicochemical, and sensory characteristics during storage, Jimborean, M.A., Borşa, A., Michiu, D., Rotar, A., Semeniuc, C.A., Pop, C., Salanţă, L., Țibulcă, D., Bâlteanu, V.A. , Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 2021, 49(1), Article ID 12001, IF=1.444
95.           Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques in Human Microbiome Studies: Contemporary Challenges and Solutions; Moreno-Indias, I (Moreno-Indias, Isabel) 1 , 2 Lahti, L (Lahti, Leo) 3 Nedyalkova, M (Nedyalkova, Miroslava) 4 Elbere, I (Elbere, Ilze) 5 Roshchupkin, G (Roshchupkin, Gennady) 6 Adilovic, M (Adilovic, Muhamed) 7 Aydemir, O (Aydemir, Onder) 8 Bakir-Gungor, B (Bakir-Gungor, Burcu) 9 Pau, ECD (Santa Pau, Enrique Carrillo-de) 10 D’Elia, D (D’Elia, Domenica) 11 Desai, MS (Desai, Mahesh S.) 12 , 13 , 1 , Frontiers In Microbiology; 2021; Volume12; 1-9, IF=5.64
96.           Strategies to Improve the Potential Functionality of Fruit-Based Fermented Beverages By Kesa, AL (Kesa, Ancuta-Liliana) Pop, CR (Pop, Carmen Rodica) Mudura, E (Mudura, Elena) Salanta, LC (Salanta, Liana Claudia) Pasqualone, A (Pasqualone, Antonella) Darab, C (Darab, Cosmin) Burja-Udrea, C (Burja-Udrea, Cristina) Zhao, HF (Zhao, Haifeng) Coldea, TE (Coldea, Teodora Emilia) , Plants 2021, 10, 2263. , IF=3.935
97.           Tailoring the Structure of Lipids, Oleogels and Fat Replacers by Different Approaches for Solving the Trans-Fat Issue—A Review, Temkov M, Mureșan V* (2021) , Foods, 10(6):1376, IF=4.35
98.           The Effect of Extraction Conditions on the Barrier and Mechanical Properties of Kefiran Films, Pop CR, Coldea TE, Salanţă LC, Nistor AL, Borşa A, Fărcaș AC, Florian VC, Rotar AM. , Coatings. 2021; 11(5):602, IF=2.881
99.           The Importance of Atmospheric Microbial Contamination Control in Dental Offices: Raised Awareness Caused by the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic By Manea, A (Manea, Avram) 1 Crisan, D (Crisan, Diana) 2 Baciut, G (Baciut, Grigore) 1 Baciut, M (Baciut, Mihaela) 1 Bran, S (Bran, Simion) 1 Armencea, G (Armencea, Gabriel) 1 Crisan, M (Crisan, Maria) 3 Colosi, H (Colosi, Horatiu) 4 Colosi, I (Colosi, Ioana) 5 Vodnar, D (Vodnar, Dan) 6 Aghiorghiesei, A (Aghiorghiesei, Alexandra) 7 Aghiorghiesei, O (Aghiorghiesei, Ovidiu) 8 On , Applied Sciences-Basel Volume11 Issue5 Article Number2359  PublishedMAR 2021, IF=2.679
100.         The Influence of Temperature, Storage Conditions, pH, and Ionic Strength on the Antioxidant Activity and Color Parameters of Rowan Berry Extract, Cristea, E; Ghendov-Mosanu, A; Patras, A; Socaciu, C; Pintea, A; Tudor, C; Sturza, R, 2021, Molecules 2021 26 13, IF=4.412
101.         The Involvement of Natural Polyphenols in the Chemoprevention of Cervical Cancer Dretcanu, G; Iuhas, CI and Diaconeasa, Z , Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22(16), 8812;, IF=5.924
102.         The Physicochemical and Antioxidant Properties of Sambucus nigra L. and Sambucus nigra Haschberg during Growth Phases: From Buds to Ripening; Georgiana Smaranda Martis, (Petrut) , Vlad Muresan , Romina Maria Marc (Vlaic) , Crina Carmen Mures, Carmen Rodica Pop, Giorgiana Buzgău, Andruta Elena Muresan, Rodica Ana Ungur and Sevastita Muste, Antioxidants , Antioxidants, 2021, 10 (1093), 1-26, IF=6.313
103.         The Potential Impact of Smog Spell on Humans’ Health Amid COVID-19 Rages; Ammar Javed, Farheen Aamir, Umar Farooq Gohar, Hamid Mukhtar, Muhammad Zia-UI-Haq*, Modhi O. Alotaibi, May Nasser Bin-Jumah, Romina Alina Marc (Vlaic)* and Oana Lelia Pop , International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18 (11408), 1-19, IF=3.39
104.         Tuning the potential of nanoelectrodes to maximum: Ag and Au nanoparticles dissolution by I- adsorption via Mg2+ adions., Stefancu A, Iancu SD, Coman V, Leopold LF, Leopold N., 2021 , Rom Rep Phys. ;73(2):12. , IF=1.785
105.         Valorization of Rose Hip (Rosa canina) Puree Co-Product in Enriched Corn Extrudates Marta Igual ,* , Maria Simona Chi¸s , Adriana Paucean , Dan Cristian Vodnar , Sevastit,a Muste , Simona Man , Javier Martínez-Monzó and Purificación García-Segovia , Foods, 10, 2787, 1-20, , IF=4.35
106.         Wheat gluten hydrolysates promotes fermentation performance of brewer’s yeast in very high gravity worts, Huirong Yang, Teodora Emilia Coldea, Yingjie Zeng and Haifeng Zhao , BIORESOURCES AND BIOPROCESSING Volume 8 Issue1. , IF=4.578
107.          Antidiarrheal and Cardio-Depressant Effects of Himalaiella heteromalla (D.Don) Raab-Straube: In Vitro, In Vivo, and In Silico Studies; Fatima Saqib, Faisal Usman, Shehneela Malik, Naheed Bano, Najm Ur-Rahman , Muhammad Riaz, Romina Alina Marc (Vlaic) * and Crina Carmen Muresan , Plants 2021, 11(1), 78- IF= 4.658


Anul 2020


  1. A Mini Review About Monosodium Glutamate ,Linh Nguyen Thuy1, Liana C. Salanță, Maria Tofană, Sonia A. Socaci, Anca C. Fărcaș, Carmen R. Pop, 2020,Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca-Food Science and Technology, Volume: ‏ 77, IF=0
  2. A Recent Insight Regarding the Phytochemistry and Bioactivity of Origanum vulgare L. Essential Oil ,Lombrea A, Antal D, Ardelean F, Avram S, Pavel IZ, Vlaia L, Mut A-M, Diaconeasa Z, Dehelean CA, Soica C, Danciu C., 2020,International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21(24):9653.IF=4.556
  3. Active Packaging – Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Films Enriched with Tomato By-Products Extract. ,Szabo, K.; Teleky, B.-E.; Mitrea, L.; Călinoiu, L.-F.; Martau, G.-A.; Simon, E.; Varvara, R.-A.; Vodnar, D.C*. 2020, Coatings. IF=2.436
  4. An in vitro Evaluation of Apigenin and Apigenin-7-O-glucoside Against HeLa Human Cervical Cancer Cell Line ,Daliana Minda, Stefana Avram, Ioana Zinuca Pavel, Brigitta Kis, Alexandra Ghitu, Istvan Zupko, Cristina Dehelean, Valentina Buda, Zorita Diaconeasa, Alexandra Scurtu, Alexa Vlad, Corina Danciu, 2020, Revista de Chimie (Rev. Chim.), IF=1.755
  5. An Overview of Gut Microbiota and Colon Diseases with a Focus on Adenomatous Colon Polyps ,Pop OL, Vodnar DC, Diaconeasa Z, Istrati M, Bințințan A, Bințințan VV, Suharoschi R, Gabbianelli R. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020; 21(19):7359, IF=4.556
  6. An Overview of Saponins–A Bioactive Group ,Linh T Nguyen, Anca C Fărcaș, Sonia A Socaci, Maria Tofană, Zorița M Diaconeasa, Oana L Pop, Liana C Salanță, 2020, Bulletin UASVM Food Science and Technology, IF=0
  7. Anthocyanins in blueberries grown in hot climate exert strong antioxidant activity and may be effective against urinary tract bacteria ,Ana B. Cerezo, Giorgiana M. Cătunescu*, Mercedes Martínez-Pais, Ruth Hornedo-Ortega, Carmen R. Pop, Crina Claudia Rusu, Flore Chirilă, Ancuța M. Rotar, M. Carmen Garcia-Parrilla, Ana M. Troncoso*, 2020, Antioxidants, IF=5.014
  8. Anthocyanins, Vibrant Color Pigments, and Their Role in Skin Cancer Prevention ,Diaconeasa, Z.; Știrbu, I.; Xiao, J.; Leopold, N.; Ayvaz, Z.; Danciu, C.; Ayvaz, H.; Stǎnilǎ, A.; Nistor, M.; Socaciu, C, 2020, Biomedicines, IF=4.717
  9. Applicability of Agro-Industrial By-Products in Intelligent Food Packaging. ,NEMES, S. A., SZABO, K., VODNAR, D. C*. 2020, Coatings, IF=2.436
  10. Assessment of Gold-Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles as Negative T2 Contrast Agent in Small Animal MRI Studies ,Iancu, S. D.; Albu, C.; Chiriac, L.; Moldovan, R.; Stefancu, A.; Moisoiu, V.; Coman, V.; Szabo, L.; Leopold, N.; Balint, Z. Int J Nanomedicine 2020, 15, 4811-4824. IF=5.115
  11. Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) Coupled with Chemometrics, to Control the Botanical Authenticity and Quality of Cold-Pressed Functional Oils Commercialized in Romania ,Carmen Socaciu, Florinela Fetea, Floricuta Ranga, Andrea Bunea, Francisc Dulf, Sonia Socaci, Adela Pintea, 2020, Appl. Sci., IF=2.474
  12. Biochemical profile, selective cytotoxicity and molecular effects of Calendula officinalis extracts on breast cancer cell lines ,Cruceriu, D., Diaconeasa, Z., Socaci, S., Socaciu, C., Rakosy-Tican, E., & Balacescu, O. (Cruceriu, D., Diaconeasa, Z., Socaci, S., Socaciu, C., Rakosy-Tican, E., & Balacescu, O. Cruceriu, D., Diaconeasa, Z., Socaci, S., Socaciu, C., Rakosy-Tican, E., & Balacescu, O. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 48(1), 24-39(2020)IF=1.168
  13. Biological Evaluation of Black Chokeberry Extract Free and Embedded in Two Mesoporous Silica-Type Matrices ,Buda, V.; Brezoiu, A.-M.; Berger, D.; Pavel, I.Z.; Muntean, D.; Minda, D.; Dehelean, C.A.; Soica, C.; Diaconeasa, Z.; Folescu, R.; Danciu, C, 2020, Pharmaceutics, IF=4.421
  14. Botanical Therapeutics (Part II): Antimicrobial and In Vitro Anticancer Activity against MCF7 Human Breast Cancer Cells of Chamomile, Parsley and Celery Alcoholic Extracts. ,Corina Danciu, Oana Cioanca, Claudia Watz (Farcaș)*, Monica Hancianu, Roxana Racoviceanu, Delia Muntean, Istvan Zupko, Camelia Oprean, Calin Tatu, Virgil Paunescu, Maria Proks, Zorita Diaconeasa, Codruta Soica, Iulia Pinzaru and Cristina Dehelean, 2020, Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 20: 1, IF=2.049
  15. Cellular Internalization of Beta-Carotene Loaded Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Capsules by Raman Mapping ,Leopold, L. F. Marisca, O. Oprea, I. Rugina, D. Suciu, M. Nistor, M. Tofana, M. Leopold, N. Coman, C., 2020, Molecules, 25, 1477, IF=3.267
  16. Cellular mechanism for the improvement of multiple stress tolerance in brewer’s yeast by potassium ion supplementation ,Yingchao Xu Huirong Yang Charles S. Brennan Teodora Emilia Coldea Haifeng Zhao, International Journal Of Food Science And Technology Volume: ‏ 55 Issue: ‏ 6 Special Issue: ‏ SI Pages: ‏ 2419-2427 Published: ‏ JUN 2020, WOS:000506151400001 , 2020, , IF=2.773
  17. Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Efficient Antibacterial Application In Vitro against Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative ,Pop OL, Mesaros A, Vodnar DC, Suharoschi R, Tăbăran F, Magerușan L, Tódor IS, Diaconeasa Z, Balint A, Ciontea L, Socaciu C. .2020, IF=4.324
  18. Characterization of Lycium barbarum L. berry cultivated in North Macedonia: A chemometric approach ,Covaci, E. Senila, M. Leopold, L. F. Olah, N. K. Cobzac, C. Ivanova-Petropulos, V. Balabanova, B. Cadar, O. Becze, A. Ponta, M. Mot, A. C. Frentiu, T., 2020, Journal of Berry Research, 10, 2, 223-241, IF=2.208
  19. Chemical Composition and Biological Activities of the Nord-West Romanian Wild Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) and Lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) Leaves. ,Ștefănescu, B.-E., Călinoiu, L.F*, Ranga, F., Fetea, F., Mocan, A., Vodnar, D. C*, Crișan, G. 2020, Antioxidants If=5.014
  20. Comparative Characterization Of Somatic Hybrids Of Solanum Bulbocastanum + S. Tuberosum Cv. ‘Rasant’ With Their Parents In Relation To Biochemical Responses To Wound Stress And Trichome Composition ,Daniel Cruceriua, Imola Erdely-Molnara, Zorita Diaconeasab, Antonia Maria Margineanua, Adriana Auroria,C, Elena Rakosy-Tican, 2020, Studia Ubb Chemia, LXV, 2, IF=0.494
  21. Composites based on silicate bioactive glasses and silver iodide microcrystals for tissue engineering applications. ,Feraru, A., Tóth, Z. R., Magyari, K., Pap, Z., Todea, M., Mureșan-Pop, M., Vodnar.D.C., Licaret, E., Hernadi, K., Baia, L., 2020, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, IF=2.929
  22. Contribution of Chemical Interface Damping to the Shift of Surface Plasmon Resonance Energy Of Gold Nanoparticles ,Andrei Stefancu, Stefania D. Iancu, Loredana F. Leopold, Nicolae Leopold, 2020, Romanian Reports in Physics 72, 402, IF=2.147
  23. Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Caused by (SARS-CoV-2) Infections: A Real Challenge for Human Gut Microbiota ,Dan-Cristian Vodnar, Laura Mitrea, Bernadette-Emoke Teleky, Katalin Szabo, Lavinia-Florina Calinoiu, Silvia-Amalia Nemes, Gheorghe-Adrian Martau, 2020, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, IF=4.123
  24. Current functionality and potential improvements of non-alcoholic fermented cereal beverages ,Maria Valentina Ignat, Liana Claudia Salanță, Oana Lelia Pop, Carmen Rodica Pop, Maria Tofană, Elena Mudura, Teodora Emilia Coldea, Andrei Borșa, Antonella Pasqualone, 2020, Foods MDPI, IF=4.092
  25. Edible Films and Coatings Functionalization by Probiotic Incorporation: A Review ,Oana L Pop, Carmen R Pop, Marie Dufrechou, Dan C Vodnar, Sonia A Socaci, Francisc V Dulf, Fabio Minervini, Ramona Suharoschi, 2020, Polymers, IF=3.426
  26. Effect of Agaricus bisporus and Origanum majorana l extract on the Shelf-life and Nutritional properties of Pork Liver Pâté ,Dorin Tibulca, Melinda Fogarasia, Sonia A. Socaci, Szabolcs Fogarasic, Carmen Pop, Dan Salagean, Maria Tofană, Delia Michiu, Studia UBB Chemia, Lxv, 2, 2020, P. 197-208, 2020, , IF=0.494
  27. Effect of dissolved oxygen on the oxidative and structural characteristics of protein in beer during forced ageing ,Xuyan Zong Huirong Yang Xiaofan Jin Charles S. Brennan Teodora Emilia Coldea Linfei Cai Haifeng Zhao, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, WOS:000591812700001 , 2020, , IF=2.773
  28. Effect of Rice Flour Fermentation with Lactobacillus spicheri DSM 15429 on the Nutritional Features of Gluten-Free Muffins ,Maria Simona Chi¸s , Adriana Paucean ,* , Simona Maria Man , Victorit,a Bonta , Anamaria Pop , Laura Stan , Bianca Vasilica Beldean (Tatar) , Carmen Rodica Pop , Vlad Mure¸san and Sevasti¸ta Muste, Foods 2020, 9, 822 , 2020, , IF=4.092
  29. Effects of artificially drought induced by chemical desiccation in several winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes ,Racz I., Urdă C., Kadar R.,Tritean N., Duda M.M., Muntean E., Muntean L., 2020, Romanian Agricultural Research, 37, 25-34. IF=0.347
  30. Effects of Beech Bark Extract in the Sage (Salvia OfficinalisL.) Plant Growth and Volatile Oil Profile ,Corneliu Tanase, Ruxandra Ștefănescu, Diana Gabriela Gheorghieș, Loredana Dandu, Adrian Nisca, Béla Darkó and Sonia Ancuța Socaci, 2020, Agronomy-Basel Volume: ‏ 10 Issue: ‏ 5 Article Number: 676, IF=2.603
  31. Effects of heating temperature and ascorbyl palmitate on the oxidative stability of alimentary poultry fats ,Pop, F., Semeniuc, C.A., La Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse, 97(Luglio/Settembre), pp.55-64, 2020; WOS:000600465200007 / DOI:- , 2020, , IF=0.229
  32. Effects of silver and gold nanoparticles phytosynthesized with Cornus mas extract on oral dysplastic human cells ,Baldea, I; Florea, A; Olteanu, D; Clichici, S; David, L ; Moldovan, B ; Cenariu,M; Achim, M; Suharoschi, R; Danescu, S; Vulcu, A ; Filip, GA , 2020, Nanomedicina; IF=4.3
  33. Elemental Composition, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Properties of Some Wild Edible Mushrooms from Romania ,Melinda Fogarasi, Zorița Maria Diaconeasa, Carmen Rodica Pop, Szabolcs Fogarasi, Cristina Anamaria Semeniuc, Anca Corina Fărcaş, Dorin Țibulcă, Claudiu-Dan Sălăgean, Maria Tofană, Sonia Ancuța Socaci, 2020, Agronomy, 10, 1972.IF=2.603
  34. Evaluation of the Antioxidant Activity of Nigella sativa L. and Allium ursinum Extracts in a Cellular Model of Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity ,Raluca Maria Pop, Ioana Corina Bocsan, Anca Dana Buzoianu, Veronica Sanda Chedea, Sonia Ancuța Socaci, Michela Pecoraro and Ada Popolo, 2020, MOLECULES Volume: ‏ 25 Issue: ‏ 22 Article Number: 5259IF=3.267
  35. Evaluation of Volatile Compounds during Ageing with Oak Chips and Oak Barrel of Muscat Ottonel Wine ,Anamaria Călugăr, Teodora Emilia Coldea, Carmen Rodica Pop, Tiberia Ioana Pop, Anca Cristina Babes, Claudiu Ioan Bunea, Mihail Manolache, Emese Gal, 2020, ProcessesIF=2.753
  36. Exploitation of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Baker’s Yeast as Single or Multiple Starter Cultures of Wheat Flour Dough Enriched with Soy Flour ,Bernadette-Emőke Teleky, Adrian Gheorghe Martău,Floricuța Ranga, Felicia Chețan, Dan C. Vodnar,2020, Biomolecules, IF=4.082
  37. Exploitation of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Baker’s Yeast as Single or Multiple Starter Cultures of Wheat Flour Dough Enriched with Soy Flour ,Teleky, B.E.; Martău, G.A. Ranga, F.; Chețan, F.; Vodnar, D. C., BASEL, SWITZERLAND, 2218-273X, 2020 , 2020, , IF=4.082
  38. Fatty Acids, Volatile and Sensory Profile of Multigrain Biscuits Enriched with Spent Malt Rootles ,Maria Simona Chiş, Anamaria Pop, Adriana Păucean, Sonia Ancuța Socaci, Ersilia Alexa, Simona Maria Man, Monica Bota and Sevastiţa Muste, 2020, Molecules Volume: ‏ 25 Issue: ‏ 3 Article Number: 442 IF=3.267
  39. Food Safety System (HACCP) as Quality Checkpoints in a Spin-Off Small-Scale Yogurt Processing Plant; WOS:000594568000001 ,Crina Carmen Muresan, Romina Alina (Vlaic) Marc*, Mirela Jimborean, Iulian Rusu, Andruta Muresan, Alina Nistor Angela Cozma and Ramona Suharoschi, Sustainability, 2020,12, 9472; doi:10.3390/su12229472 , 2020, , IF=2.576
  40. Formulation and Characterization of Antimicrobial Edible Films Based on Whey Protein Isolate and Tarragon Essential Oil ,Maria-Ioana Socaciu, Melinda Fogarasi, Cristina Anamaria Semeniuc, Sonia Ancuţa Socaci, Mihaela Ancuţa Rotar, Vlad Mureşan, Oana Lelia Pop, Dan Cristian Vodnar, 2020, Polymers, IF=3.426
  41. Fractional-Order Models for Biochemical Processes. ,Dulf, E.-H.; Vodnar, D.C.; Danku, A.; Muresan, C.-I.; Crisan, O. Fractal Fract. 2020, 4, 12.IF=0
  42. Functionality of Special Beer Processes and Potential Health Benefits ,Salanță, L.C., Coldea, T.E., Ignat, M.V., Pop, C.R., Tofană, M., Mudura, E., Borșa, A., Pasqualone, A., Anjos, O. Zhao, H., Processes, Volume 8(12), pp. 1613, Basel, Switzerland, ISSN 2227-9717, 2020 , 2020, , IF=2.753
  43. Global myocardial wall strain decreases in patients with atrial fibrillation: a pilot cohort study ,S Pop, C Budurea, A M Iliescu, S D Iancu, V Coman, S Manole, M Coman, C Ciortea, Z. 2020, Balint European Heart Journal – Cardiovascular Imaging, Volume 21, IF=4.841
  44. Governmental Intervention and Its Impact on Growth, Economic Development, and Technology in OECD Countries ,Autori: Arik Sadeh , Claudia Florina Radu, Cristina Feniser and Andrei Borsa, Sustainability, Basel, Elvetia E-ISSN 2071-1050, 2020 , 2020, , IF=2.576
  45. Gut microbiota and aging-A focus on centenarians. ,Cӑtoi, A. F., Corina, A., Katsiki, N., Vodnar, D.C., Andreicuț, A. D., Stoian, A. P., Rizzo, M., Pérez-Martínez, P. 2020, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Basis of Disease. 1866(7), 165765.IF=4.352
  46. Gut microbiota and old age: Modulating factors and interventions for healthy longevity ,Coman, V.; Vodnar, D. C. Exp. Gerontol. 2020, 141, 111095. IF=3.376
  47. Heavy metals in several soybean varieties cultivated in the Transylvanian plain, Romania. ,Michalski R., Duda M., Șerdean P. N., Kernert J., Grygoyc K., Pecyna P., Muntean E., 2020, Bulletin UASVM Food Science and Technology, 77 (1), 74-79, IF=0
  48. Hydroxycinnamic acids and human health: recent advances ,Coman, V.; Vodnar, D. C., 2020 J. Sci. Food Agric., 100 (2), 483-499. IF=2.614
  49. Identification of molecular markers specific to the bovine species used in the production of food products of animal origin. ,Chiş, L.M., Vodnar, D. C. 2020, Bulletin UASVM Food Science and Technology. 2020. 77(1), IF=0
  50. Influence of Buckwheat and Buckwheat Sprouts Flours on the Nutritional and Textural Parameters of Wheat Buns. ,STURZA, A., PĂUCEAN, A., CHIȘ, M.S., MUREȘAN, V., VODNAR, D.C., MAN, S.M., URCAN, A.C., RUSU, I.E., FOSTOC, G., MUSTE, S. , 2020, Applied Sciences.; 10(22):7969.IF=2.474
  51. Insights on Health and Food Applications of Equus asinus (Donkey) Milk Bioactive Proteins and Peptides—An Overview ,Reda Derdak, Souraya Sakoui, Oana Lelia Pop, Carmen Ioana Muresan, Dan Cristian Vodnar, Boutaina Addoum, Romana Vulturar, Adina Chis, Ramona Suharoschi, Abdelaziz Soukri and Bouchra El Khalfi, 2020, Foods MDPI, IF=4.092
  52. Iron Supplementation Influence on the Gut Microbiota and Probiotic Intake Effect in Iron Deficiency-A Literature-Based Review ,Ioana Gabriela Rusu, Ramona Suharoschi, Dan Cristian Vodnar, Carmen Rodica Pop, Sonia Ancuta Socaci , Romana Vulturar 2,3,y, Magdalena Istrati 4, Ioana Moros, an 5, Anca Corina Farcas, Andreea Diana Kerezsi, Carmen Ioana Muresan and Oana Lelia Pop, 2020, NUTRIENTS Volume: ‏ 12 Issue: ‏ 7 Article Number: 1993, IF=4.546
  53. Ketoconazole-p-aminobenzoic acid cocrystal: revival of an old drug by crystal engineering. ,Martin, F., Pop, M., Kacso, I., Grosu, I. G., Miclaus, M., Vodnar, D., Lung, I., Filip, G., Elena Olteanu, E,D., Moldovan, R., Nagy, A., Filip,X., Bâldea, I, Nagy, A., 2020, Molecular Pharmaceutics, IF=4.321
  54. Laparoscopic compatible device incorporating inductive proximity sensors for precise detection of gastric and colorectal small tumors ,Adrian Calborean, Sergiu Macavei, Mihaela Mocan, Cătalin Ciuce, Adrian Cordos, Adriana Bintintan, Romeo Chira, Cosmin Pestean, Oana Pop, Lucian Barbu-Tudoran, George Dindelegan, Valeriu Surlin, Felix Nickel, Bogdan Mocan, Vasile Bintintan, 2020, Surgical Oncology, IF=2.521
  55. Lipid Nanostructured Particles as Emerging Carriers for Targeted Delivery of Bioactive Molecules: Applications in Food and Biomedical Sciences (An Overview) ,Muntean, P (Muntean, Patricia); Socaciu, C (Socaciu, Carmen); Socaciu, MA (Socaciu, Mihai Adrian), 2020, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca-Food Science and Technology Volume: 77 Issue: 1 Pages: 37-46, IF=0
  56. Macroalgae-A Sustainable Source of Chemical Compounds with Biological Activitie ,Elena-Suzana Biris-Dorhoi, Delia Michiu, Carmen R. Pop, Ancuta M. Rotar, Maria Tofana, Oana L. Pop, Sonia A. Socaci and Anca C. Farcas, 2020, Nutrients Volume: ‏ 12 Issue: ‏ 10 Article Number: 3085, IF=4.546
  57. Melatonin, an ubiquitous metabolic regulator: functions, mechanisms and effects on circadian disruption and degenerative diseases ,Socaciu, AI (Socaciu, Andreea Iulia); Ionut, R (Ionut, Razvan); Socaciu, MA (Socaciu, Mihai Adrian); Ungur, AP (Ungur, Andreea Petra); Barsan, M (Barsan,Maria); Chiorean, A (Chiorean, Angelica); Socaciu, C (Socaciu, Carmen); Rajnoveanu, AG (Rajnoveanu, Armand Gabriel) Source: Reviews In Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders Volume: 21 Issue: 4 Pages: 465-478 DOI: 10.1007/s11154-020-09570-9 Early Access Date: JUL 2020 Published: DEC 2020IF=6.192
  58. Microbiological Profile of Kashkaval Cheese During Production Season; Mirela Anamaria Jimborean , Dorin Ţibulcă, Delia Michiu, 2020, Bulletin UASVM Food Science and Technology 77(1), 2020, IF=0
  59. Micropropagation, Genetic Fidelity and Phenolic Compound Production of Rheum rhabarbarum L ,Clapa, D.; Borsai, O.; Harta, M.; Bonta, V.; Szabo, K.; Coman, V.; Bobis, O. 2020, Plants (Basel), 9 (5).IF=2.762
  60. Molecular and phytochemical characterization of F1 Streptocarpus hybrids and antioxidant potential of their flower extracts ,Monica Hȃrţa, Doru Pamfil, Orsolya Borsai, Pop Rodica, Doina Clapa,Zoriţa Diaconeasa, Cristian R Sisea, 2020, Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 48(3), 1341-1356 IF=1.168
  61. Nigella Sativa’s Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidative Effects in Experimental Inflammation ,Raluca Maria Pop , Octavia Sabin, Soimit,a Suciu, Stefan Cristian Vesa, Sonia Ancuta Socaci 3 , Veronica Sanda Chedea, Ioana Corina Bocsan and Anca Dana Buzoianu, 2020, Antioxidants Volume: ‏ 9 Issue: ‏ 10 Article Number: 921, IF=5.014
  62. Non-alcoholic and craft beer production and challenges ,Salanță, L.C., Coldea, T.E., Ignat, M.V., Pop, C.R., Tofană, M., Mudura, E., Borșa, A., Pasqualone, A. and Zhao, H., 2020, Processes, Volume 8(11), IF=2.753
  63. Novel 2,4-Disubstituted-1,3-Thiazole Derivatives: Synthesis, Anti-Candida Activity Evaluation and Interaction with Bovine Serum Albumine. ,Pricopie, A.-I.; Focșan, M.; Ionuț, I.; Marc, G.; Vlase, L.; Găină, L.-I.; Vodnar, D.C.; Elemer, S.; Barta, G.; Pîrnău, A.; Oniga, O. 2020, Molecules., 25, 1079. IF=3.267
  64. Nutrient and Sensory Metabolites Profiling of Averrhoa Carambola L. (Starfruit) in the Context of Its Origin and Ripening Stage by GC/MS and Chemometric Analysis. ,Ramadan, N.S., Wessjohann, L.A., Mocan, A., Vodnar, D. C., H. El-Sayed, N., A. El-Toumy, S., Abdou Mohamed, D., Abdel Aziz, Z., Ehrlich, A., A. Farag, M., 2020, Molecules, 25, 2423. IF=3.267
  65. OFTIFEL Personalized Nutritional Calculator ,Malte Bethke1*, Lavinia Mureşan (Ex. Călinoiu)2, Monica Trif2*, 2020, Bulletin UASVM Food Science and Technology 73(2), IF=0
  66. Oleogels in Food: A Review of Current and Potential Applications ,Puscas, A (Puscas, Andreea); Muresan, V (Muresan, Vlad); Socaciu, C (Socaciu, Carmen); Muste, S (Muste, Sevastita), 2020, FOODS Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Article Number: 70, IF=4.092
  67. Personalised Nutritional Powder for Elderly Developed in OPTIFEL European Project, Monica Trif, Lavinia Mureşan (Ex. Călinoiu) And Malte Bethk, 2020, Bulletin UASVM Food Science and Technology 73(2), IF=0
  68. Phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of red, rose and white wines originating from Romanian grape cultivars ,Banc, R (Banc, Roxana); Loghin, F (Loghin, Felicia); Miere, D (Miere, Doina); Ranga, F (Ranga, Floricuta); Socaciu, C (Socaciu, Carmen) 2020, Source: Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca Volume: 48 Issue: 2, IF=1.168
  69. Phenolics Dynamics and Infrared Fingerprints during the Storage of Pumpkin Seed Oil and Thereof Oleogel ,Andreea Pus, cas, 1 , Andrut,a Mures, an 1,*, Floricut,a Ranga 2 , Florinela Fetea 2 , Sevastit,a Muste 1 , Carmen Socaciu 2 and Vlad Mures, an 1,*Processes 2020, 8, 1412; doi:10.3390/pr8111412 , 2020, , IF=2.753
  70. Photothermal property assessment of gold nanoparticle assemblies obtained by hydroxylamine reduction ,István Sz Tódor, Oana T Marişca, Dumitrița Rugină, Zorița Diaconeasa, Loredana F Leopold, Cristina Coman, Elisabeta Antonescu, László Szabó, Stefania D Iancu, Zoltán Bálint, Nicolae Leopold, 2020, Colloid Polym Sci 298, 1369–137, IF=1.536
  71. Physicochemical Effects of Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus casei Cocultures on Soy–Wheat Flour Dough Fermentation ,Teleky, B.E.; Martău, G.A.; Vodnar, D. C., Foods, 2304-8158, 2020 , 2020, , IF=4.092
  72. Poly(vinyl alcohol)-Based Biofilms Plasticized with Polyols and Colored with Pigments Extracted from Tomato By-Products ,Mitrea, L.; Calinoiu, L.F.; Martau, G.A.; Szabo, K.; Teleky, B.E.; Muresan, V.; Rusu, A.V.; Socol, C.T.; Vodnar, D.C., Polymers, Basel, Elveția, 2073-4360, 2020 , 2020, , IF=3.426
  73. Quality Characteristics and Volatile Profile of Macarons Modified with Walnut Oilcake By-Product ,Anamaria Pop, Adriana Paucean , Sonia Ancut,a Socaci, Ersilia Alexa, Simona Maria Man, Vlad Muresan, Maria Simona Chis, Liana Salanta, Iuliana Popescu, Adina Berbecea and Sevastita Muste, 2020, Molecules Volume: ‏ 25 Issue: ‏ 9 Article Number: 2214 IF=3.267
  74. Quinoa Sourdough Fermented with Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 8014 Designed for Gluten-Free Muffins—A Powerful Tool to Enhance Bioactive Compounds ,Maria Simona Chis , Adriana Paucean , Simona Maria Man, Dan Cristian Vodnar, Bernadette-Emoke Teleky, Carmen Rodica Pop, Laura Stan, Orsolya Borsai, Csaba Balasz Kadar, Adriana Cristina Urcan and Sevastita Muste, Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7140; doi:10.3390/app10207140; WOS:000585284800001 , 2020, , IF=2.474
  75. Recent advances in the biotechnological production of erythritol and mannitol ,Martau, G. A.; Coman, V.; Vodnar, D. C., 2020, Crit. Rev. Biotechnol. IF=8.108
  76. Recent advances in the biotechnological production of erythritol and mannitol ,Martau, G.A., Coman, V., Vodnar, D.C., Oxon, England, 0738-8551, 2020 , 2020, , IF=8.108
  77. Relationship between cachexia and perineural invasion in pancreatic adenocarcinoma ,Petrusel, L ; Rusu, I ; Leucuta, DC ; Seicean, R ; Suharoschi, R; Zamfir, P ; Seicean, A; 2020, World J Gastrointest Oncol, IF=2.898
  78. Separation and Purification of Biogenic 1,3-Propanediol from Fermented Glycerol through Flocculation and Strong Acidic Ion-Exchange Resin ,Mitrea, L; Leopold, LF; Bouari, C; Vodnar, DC, 2020, BIOMOLECULES Volume: 10 Issue: 12,IF=4.082
  79. Simultaneous enrichment of grape pomace with gamma-linolenic acid and carotenoids by solid-state fermentation with Zygomycetes fungi and antioxidant potential of the bioprocessed substrates ,By: Dulf, Francisc Vasile; Vodnar, Dan Cristian; Tosa, Monica Ioana; et al., 2020, FOOD CHEMISTRY Volume: ‏ 310 Article Number: 125927 IF=6.306
  80. Soybean Interaction with Engineered Nanomaterials: A Literature Review of Recent Data. ,Coman, V.; Oprea, I.; Leopold, L. F.; Vodnar, D. C.; Coman, C. 2019. Nanomaterials (Basel), 9 (9), 1248.IF=4.324
  81. Spray drying and storage of probiotic enriched almond milk: probiotic survival and physicochemical properties. ,Lipan, L., Rusu, B., Sendra, E., Hernández, F., Vázquez‐Araújo, L., Vodnar, D. C., Carbonell‐Barrachina, Á. 2020, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 100 (9) 3697-3708.IF=2.614
  82. Textural and Sensory Features Changes of Gluten Free Muffins Based on Rice Sourdough Fermented with Lactobacillus spicheri DSM 15429 ,Maria Simona Chi¸s , Adriana Paucean ,* , Simona Maria Man , Vlad Mure¸san , Sonia Ancu¸ta Socaci , Anamaria Pop , Laura Stan , Bogdan Rusu and Sevasti¸ta Muste, Foods 2020, 9, 363; doi:10.3390/foods9030363 , 2020, , IF=4.092
  83. The Chemical and Biological Profiles of Leaves from Commercial Blueberry Varieties. ,Ștefănescu, B.-E.; Călinoiu, L.F.*; Ranga, F.; Fetea, F.; Mocan, A.; Vodnar, D.C*.; Crișan, G.2020, Plants,IF=2.762
  84. The effect of crude glycerol impurities on 1,3-propanediol biosynthesis by Klebsiella pneumoniae DSMZ 2026 ,Laura Mitrea, Monica Trif, Dan-Cristian Vodnar; 2020, Revista: RENEWABLE ENERGY, Volume 153, IF=6.274
  85. The Use of Activated Micronized Zeolite Clinoptilolite as a Possible Alternative to Antibiotics and Chestnut Extract for the Control of Undifferentiated Calf Diarrhea: An In Vitro and In Vivo Study ,Constantin Cerbu, Vlad Alexandru Ilas, , Michał Czopowicz , Adrian Valentin Potârniche, Elisa-Paz Bodart-Nieva, Elena Andruta Muresan, Jarosław Kaba, Marina Spinu 1 and Emoke Pall 1,Animals, 2020, 10(12), 2284 , 2020, , IF=2.323
  86. Thermal Processing for the Release of Phenolic Compounds from Wheat and Oat Bran. ,Călinoiu, L.F., Vodnar, D.C., 2020, Biomolecules. IF=4.082
  87. Ultrasound-assisted Strecker synthesis of novel 2-(hetero)aryl-2-(arylamino)acetonitrile derivatives. ,GAL, E.; Gaina, L.; Petkes, H.; Pop, A.; Cristea, C.; Barta, G.; Vodnar, D. C.; Silaghi Dumitrescu, L. 2020, Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry,IF=2.622
  88. Use of Legumes in Extrusion Cooking: A Review ,Antonella Pasqualone, Michela Costantini, Teodora Emilia Coldea, Carmine Summo, Foods 2020, 9, 958; doi:10.3390/foods9070958 , 2020, , IF=4.092
  89. Volatile and phenolic profiles of traditional Romanian apple brandy after rapid ageing with different wood chips ,Coldea, T.E., Socaciu, C., Mudura, E., Socaci, S.A., Ranga, F., Pop, C.R., Vriesekoop, F. and Pasqualone, A., 2020, Food Chemistry, Volume 310, IF=6.306
  90. Volatile and phenolic profiles of traditional Romanian apple brandy after rapid ageing with different wood chips ,Coldea, T.E., Socaciu, C., Mudura, E., Socaci, S.A., Ranga, F., Pop, C.R., Vriesekoop, F. and Pasqualone, A., Food Chemistry, Volume 310, p. 126643, ISSN: 0308-8146, 2020 , 2020, , IF=6.306
  91. Walnut (Juglans regia L.) Septum: Assessment of Bioactive Molecules and In Vitro Biological Effects. ,Rusu, M.E., Fizesan, I., Pop, A., Mocan, A., Gheldiu, A.-M., Babota, M., Vodnar, D.C., Jurj, A., Berindan-Neagoe, I., Vlase, L., Popa, D.-S. , 2020, Molecules, IF=3.267
  92. Warfarin-Capped Gold Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Cytotoxicity, and Cellular Uptake ,Leopold, L. F.; Rugina, D.; Oprea, I.; Diaconeasa, Z.; Leopold, N.; Suciu, M.; Coman, V.; Vodnar, D. C.; Pintea, A.; Coman, C. 2020, Molecules, IF=3.267
  93. Xenobiotics in autumn wheat grains. ,Muntean E., Muntean N., Duda M., 2020, AgroLife Scientific Journal, 8 (2), 100-105, Bucuresti, Romania, IF=0


Anul 2019

  1. A comparison between insulin resistance scores parameters in identifying patients with metabolic syndrome, Angela Cozma, Adriana Fodor, Olga Hilda Orășan, Ramona Suharoschi, Crina Mureșan, Romana Vulturar, Dorel Sampelean, Vasile Negrean, Dana Pop, Adela Sitar-Tăut; 2019, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia; Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 147-159; IF=0.275
  2. A Novel Series of Acylhydrazones as Potential Anti-Candida Agents: Design, Synthesis, Biological Evaluation and In Silico Studies ,By:Borcea, AM (Borcea, Anca-Maria); Marc, G (Marc, Gabriel); Ionut, I (Ionut, Ioana); Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan C.); Vlase, L (Vlase, Laurian); Gligor, F (Gligor, Felicia); Pricopie, A (Pricopie, Andreea); Pirnau, A (Pirnau, Adrian); Tiperciuc, B (Tiperciuc, Brindusa); Oniga, O (Oniga, Ovidiu), 2019, MOLECULES Volume: 24 Issue: 1 Article Number: 184, IF=3.06
  3. A Novel Thiazolyl Schiff Base: Antibacterial and Antifungal Effects and In Vitro Oxidative Stress Modulation on Human Endothelial Cells ,By:Login, CC (Login, Cristian Cezar); Baldea, I (Baldea, Ioana); Tiperciuc, B (Tiperciuc, Brindusa); Benedec, D (Benedec, Daniela); Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan Cristian); Decea, N (Decea, Nicoleta); Suciu, S (Suciu, Soimita), 2019, Oxidative Medicine And Cellular Longevity, Volume: 2019 Article Number: 1607903, IF=4.868
  4. Alfalfa Leaf Powder and its Potential Utilisation in Raw Vegan Chocolate ,Tiplea, R.; Suharoschi, R.; Leopold, L.; Fetea, F.; Socaci, S. A.; Vodnar, D. C.; Pop, O. L., 2019, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca-Food Science and Technology 2019, 76 (1), IF=0
  5. Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of tomato processing byproducts and their correlation with the biochemical composition ,Katalin Szabo, Francisc Vasile Dulf, Zorița Diaconeasa, Dan Cristian Vodnar, 2019, LWT, Volume 116, IF=3.714
  6. Antioxidant activity and antibacterial evaluation of new thiazolin-4-one derivatives as potential tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase inhibitors ,By:Stana, A (Stana, Anca); Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan C.); Marc, G (Marc, Gabriel); Benedec, D (Benedec, Daniela); Tiperciuc, B (Tiperciuc, Brindusa); Tamaian, R (Tamaian, Radu); Oniga, O (Oniga, Ovidiu), 2019, Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry Volume: 34, IF=4.027
  7. Bee Collected Pollen and Bee Bread: Bioactive Constituents and Health Benefits ,Rodica Mărgăoan 1, Mirela Stranț 2, Alina Varadi 2, Erkan Topal 3, Banu Yücel 4, Mihaiela Cornea- Cipcigan 5,*, Maria G. Campos 6,7,* and Dan C. Vodnar 8, 2019, Antioxidants, IF=4.52
  8. Bioactive Ingredients from Microalgae: Food and Feed Applications, Diana PATRAS1,2, Corina V. MORARU2, Carmen SOCACIU* 1,2 ,2019, Bulletin UASVM Food Science and Technology 76(1)/2019 IF=0
  9. Biodiesel-Derived Glycerol Obtained from Renewable Biomass-A Suitable Substrate for the Growth of Candida zeylanoides Yeast Strain ATCC 20367 ,Mitrea, Laura; Ranga, Floricuta; Fetea, Florinela; Dulf, Francisc Vasile; Rusu, Alexandru; Trif, Monica; Vodnar, Dan Cristian, 2019 Microorganisms Volume: 7 Issue: 8 Article Number: 265, IF=4.167
  10. Biological and Chemical Insights of Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) Bark: A Source of Bioactive Compounds with Functional Properties ,By:Tanase, C (Tanase, Corneliu); Mocan, A (Mocan, Andrei); Cosarca, S (Cosarca, Sanda); Gavan, A (Gavan, Alexandru); Nicolescu, A (Nicolescu, Alexandru); Gheldiu, AM (Gheldiu, Ana-Maria); Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan C.); Muntean, DL (Muntean, Daniela-Lucia); Crisan, O (Crisan, Ovidiu)[ 6 ], 2019, ANTIOXIDANTS Volume: 8 Issue: 9 Article Number: 417, IF=4.52
  11. Biomass-Derived Production of Itaconic Acid as a Building Block in Specialty Polymers ,By:Teleky, BE (Teleky, Bernadette-Emoke); Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan Cristian), POLYMERS Volume: 11 Issue: 6 Article Number: 1035 DOI: 10.3390/polym11061035 Published:JUN 2019, IF=3.164
  12. Boletus Edulis Mushroom Flour-Based Wheat Bread as Innovative Fortified Bakery Product ,Romina Alina VLAIC, Crina Carmen MUREȘAN, Sevastiţa MUSTE, Vlad MUREȘAN, Anamaria POP, Georgiana PETRUŢ and Andruța MUREȘAN, 2019, Bulletin UASVM Food Science and Technology 76(1)/2019, IF=0
  13. Breast Cancer Diagnosis by Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) of Urine, Vlad Moisoiu Andreea Socaciu Andrei Stefancu Stefania D. Iancu, Imre Boros Cristian D. Alecsa Claudiu Rachieriu Angelica R. Chiorean Daniela Eniu, Nicolae Leopold , Carmen Socaciu and Dan T. Eniu, 2019, Appl. Sci., IF=2.217
  14. Cannabidiol—from Plant to Human Body: A Promising Bioactive Molecule with Multi-Target Effects in Cancer ,Kis, B.; Ifrim, F.C.; Buda, V.; Avram, S.; Pavel, I.Z.; Antal, D.; Paunescu, V.; Dehelean, C.A.; Ardelean, F.; Diaconeasa, Z.; Soica, C.; Danciu, C., 2019 Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 5905. IF=4.183
  15. Chemicals Migrating from Food Contact Materials: European Regulations, Characterization and Human Exposure An Overview, Diana TOMA1 and Carmen SOCACIU, 2019, Bulletin UASVM Food Science and Technology 76(2), IF=0
  16. Chitosan Coating Applications in Probiotic Microencapsulation ,Lavinia-Florina Călinoiu,Bianca Eugenia Ştefănescu, Ioana Delia Pop, Leon Muntean, Dan Cristian Vodnar, 2019, MDPI, Coatings, IF=2.33
  17. Clinical and genetic predictors of diabetes drug’s response ,Fodor, A (Fodor, Adriana); Cozma, A (Cozma, Angela); Suharoschi, R (Suharoschi, Ramona); Sitar-Taut, A (Sitar-Taut, Adela); Roman, G (Roman, Gabriela); 2019, Drug Metabolism ReviewS, IF=4.702
  18. Collaborative platform development in nutrition as support for cardiovascular patients’ rehabilitation ,Sitar-Taut, DA; Sitar-Taut, AV; Mican, D ; Cozma, A ; Orasan, OH ; Muresan, C; Suharoschi, R et al.; 2019, Balneo Research Journal;Vol: 10 (2), IF=0
  19. Comparative effect of gamma irradiation, drying, and freezing on sensory, and hygienic quality of parsley leaves ,Giorgiana M. Cătunescu, Mircea Muntean, Ovidiu Marian, Adriana Paula David, Ancuța M. Rotar, 2019, LWT, Volume 115, IF=3.714
  20. Comparative Phytochemical Profile, Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and In Vivo Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Different Extracts of Traditionally Used Romanian Ajuga genevensis L. and A. reptans L. (Lamiaceae) ,By:Toiu, A (Toiu, Anca); Mocan, A (Mocan, Andrei); Vlase, L (Vlase, Laurian); Parvu, AE (Parvu, Alina Elena); Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan Cristian); Gheldiu, AM (Gheldiu, Ana-Maria); Moldovan, C (Moldovan, Cadmiel); Oniga, I (Oniga, Ilioara), 2019, MOLECULES Volume: 24 IF=3.06
  21. Consumers’ Requirements for Functional Foods ,Corina MAXIM, Anca FĂRCAȘ, Dan Cristian VODNAR, Maria TOFANĂ, Sonia SOCACI, 2019, Bulletin UASVM Food Science and Technology 76(2), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, IF=0
  22. Design and Development of Oleoresins Rich in Carotenoids Coated Microbeads ,Trif, Monica; Vodnar, Dan Cristian; Mitrea, Laura; Rusu, Alexandru Vasile; Socol, Claudia Terezia. 2019, Coatings, Volume: 9 Issue: 4 Article Number: 23, IF=2.33
  23. Design and Synthesis of Novel 1,3-Thiazole and 2-Hydrazinyl-1,3-Thiazole Derivatives as Anti-Candida Agents: In Vitro Antifungal Screening, Molecular Docking Study, and Spectroscopic Investigation of their Binding Interaction with Bovine Serum Albumin ,By:Pricopie, AI (Pricopie, Andreea-Iulia); Ionut, I (Ionut, Ioana); Marc, G (Marc, Gabriel); Arseniu, AM (Arseniu, Anca-Maria); Vlase, L (Vlase, Laurian); Grozav, A (Grozav, Adriana); Gaina, LI (Gaina, Luiza Ioana); Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan C.); Pirnau, A (Pirnau, Adrian); Tiperciuc, B (Tiperciuc, Brindusa); Oniga, O (Oniga, Ovidiu), 2019, MoleculesVolume: 24 Issue: 19, IF=3.06
  24. Detection of the Species of Origin for Pork, Chicken and Beef in Meat Food Products by Real-Time PCR ,Lavinia-Maria Chi¸s and Dan Cristian Vodnar *, 2019, Safety 2019, 5, 83; IF=0
  25. DNA Methylation and Micro-RNAs: The Most Recent and Relevant Biomarkers in the Early Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma ,Cozma, A (Cozma, Angela) ; Fodor, A (Fodor, Adriana); Vulturar, R (Vulturar, Romana); Sitar-Taut, AV (Sitar-Taut, Adela-Viviana) ; Orasan, OH (Orasan, Olga Hilda); Muresan, F (Muresan, Flaviu) ; Login, C (Login, Cezar); Suharoschi, R (Suharoschi, Ramona) 2019, MEDICINA-LITHUANIA Vol 55( 9 ) IF=1.467
  26. Effect of Glucose Oxidase Addition on the Textural Characteristics of Wheat-Maize Dough and Bread, Food Science and Technology ,Kouassi-Koffi, JD, Sturza A, Păucean A, Man S, Mureșan, EA, Petruț G, Mureșan V*, Muste S, 2019, Campinas, Brazilia, Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 39(1), IF=1.223
  27. Evaluation of bioactive compounds-loaded chitosan films as a novel and potential diabetic wound dressing material ,Liora Colobatiu, Alexandru Gavan, Adrian-Valentin Potarniche, Vasile Rus, Zorita Diaconeasa, Andrei Mocan, Ioan Tomuta, Simona Mirel, Marian Mihaiu, 2019 ,Reactive and Functional Polymers, Volume 145, 2019, 104369, IF=3.074
  28. Evaluation of Biochemical and Microbiological Changes Occurring in Fresh Cheese with Essential Oils During Storage Time ,Fogarasi, Melinda, Socaci, Sonia A, Fogarasi, Szabolcs, Jimborean, Mirela, Pop, Carmen, Tofana, Maria, Rotar, Anca, Tibulca, Dorin, Salagean, Dan, Salanta, Liana, 2019, STUDIA UBB CHEMIA, LXIV, 2, Tom II, 2019 (p. 527-537),IF=0.275
  29. Evaluation of the Nephroprotective Effect of Sambucus Nigra Total Extract in a Rat Experimental Model of Gentamicine Nephrotoxicity ,Rodica Ungur, Roxana Buzatu, Radu Lacatus, Robert Cristian Purdoiu, Georgiana Petrut, Razvan Codea, Orsolya Sarpataky, Alexandra Biris, Cristian Popovici, Mircea Mircean, Delia Bunea Jivanescu, Cosmin Pestean, Liviu Oana, 2019, Revista de chimie, vol. 70, nr. 6, IF=1.605
  30. From phytochemistry to metabolomics: eight decades of research in plant and food science ,Socaciu Carmen, 2019, STUDIA UBB CHEMIA, LXIV, 4, IF=0.275
  31. Gut Microbiota, Obesity and Bariatric Surgery: Current Knowledge and Future Perspectives ,By:Catoi, AF (Catoi, Adriana Florinela); Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan Cristian); Corina, A (Corina, Andreea)[ 3,4 ] ; Nikolic, D (Nikolic, Dragana)[ 5,6 ] ; Citarrella, R (Citarrella, Roberto); Perez-Martinez, P (Perez-Martinez, Pablo)[ 3,4 ] ; Rizzo, M (Rizzo, Manfredi)[ 5 ], 2019, CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL DESIGN Volume: 25 Issue: 18, IF=2.412
  32. Gut Prevotella as a possible biomarker of diet and its eubiotic versus dysbiotic roles: a comprehensive literature review ,By:Precup, G (Precup, Gabriela); Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan-Cristian), 2019, BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION Volume: 122 Issue: 2, IF=3.319
  33. HPLC-DAD-ESI+-MS Phytochemical Profiles Of Several Rosmarinus Officinalis Accessions From Spain As Influenced By Different Environmental Stress Conditions, Monica Boscaiua, Oscar Vicenteb,E, Inmaculada Bautistac, Floricuta Rangad, Carmen Socaciu, 2019, STUDIA UBB CHEMIA, LXIV, 3, IF=0.275
  34. Impact of protein metabolic conversion and volatile derivatives on gluten-free muffins made with quinoa sourdough ,Maria Simona Chiș, Adriana Păucean, Laura Stan, Ramona Suharoschi, Sonia-Ancuța Socaci, Simona Maria Man, Carmen Rodica Pop, Sevastița Muste; 2019, CYTA-JOURNAL OF FOOD;2019, VOL. 17( 1), IF=1.605
  35. Influence of extraction pre-treatments on some phytochemicals and biological activity of Transylvanian cranberries (Vaccinium vitis-idea L.) ,Cătunescu GM, Rotar AM, Pop CR, Diaconeasa Z, Bunghez F, Socaciu MI, Semeniuc CA. 2019, Food Science and Technology, IF=3.714
  36. Influence of Fenugreek Flour (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) Addition on the Technofunctional Properties of Dark Wheat Flour, ,Simona Maria Man , Adriana Paucean* , Ioana Daniela Calian , Vlad Muresan , Maria Simona Chis¸ , Anamaria Pop , Andruta Elena Muresan , Monica Bota, and Sevastita Muste, 2019, Journal of Food Quality, IF=1.36
  37. Inhibitory Effects of Iso-α and β Hop Acids Against Pediococcus pentosaceus ,Delia MICHIU*, Frank Delvigne, Nicolas Mabon, Mirela Jimborean, Melinda Fogarasi, Mihaela Mihai, Maria Tofană, Philippe Thonart, 2019, Not Bot Horti Agrobo, IF=0.624
  38. Insights into the effect of gold nanospheres, nanotriangles and spherical nanocages on the structural, morphological and biological properties of bioactive glasses ,Magyari, K (Magyari, K.); Toth, ZR (Toth, Z. R.); Pap, Z (Pap, Zs); Licarete, E (Licarete, E.); Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, D. C.); Todea, M (Todea, M.); Gyulavari, T (Gyulavari, T.); Hernadi, K (Hernadi, K.); Baia, L (Baia, L.), 2019, Journal Of Non-Crystalline Solids Volume: 522 Article Number: UNSP 119552, IF=2.6
  39. Klebsiella pneumoniae—A Useful Pathogenic Strain for Biotechnological Purposes: Diols Biosynthesis under Controlled and Uncontrolled pH Levels ,Laura Mitrea * and Dan Cristian Vodnar *, 2019, Pathogens, 8(4), 293; IF=3.405
  40. Knee osteoarthritis grading by resonant Raman and surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) analysis of synovial fluid ,Bocsa, C. D.; Moisoiu, V.; Stefancu, A.; Leopold, L. F.; Leopold, N.; Fodor, D., 2019, Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine IF=5.57
  41. Lipidomics biomarkers in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography–quadrupole time of flight electrospray in a positive ionization mode mass spectrometry, Camelia Larisa Vonica,Ioana Rada Ilie,Carmen Socaciu, Corina Moraru, ,Bogdan Georgescu, Anca Farcaş,Gabriela Rom , 2019, Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation Volume 79, 2019 – Issue 6, 437-442 IF=1.38
  42. Liquid Phase and Microwave-Assisted Extractions for Multicomponent Phenolic Pattern Determination of Five Romanian Galium Species Coupled with Bioassays ,By:Mocan, A (Mocan, Andrei); Diuzheva, A (Diuzheva, Alina); Badarau, S (Badarau, Sabin); Moldovan, C (Moldovan, Cadmiel); Andruch, V (Andruch, Vasil); Carradori, S (Carradori, Simone); Campestre, C (Campestre, Cristina); Tartaglia, A (Tartaglia, Angela); De Simone, M (De Simone, Marta); Vodnar, D (Vodnar, Dan), 2019, MOLECULES Volume: 24 Issue: 7 Article Number: 1226, IF=3.06
  43. Medicinal Plants and Natural Products Used in Cataract Management ,By:Tewari, D (Tewari, Devesh); Samoila, O (Samoila, Ovidiu); Gocan, D (Gocan, Diana); Mocan, A (Mocan, Andrei); Moldovan, C (Moldovan, Cadmiel); Devkota, HP (Devkota, Hari Prasad); Atanasov, AG (Atanasov, Atanas G.); Zengin, G (Zengin, Gokhan)[ 7 ] ; Echeverria, J (Echeverria, Javier) ; Vodnar, D (Vodnar, Dan) , 2019, Frontiers In Pharmacology Volume: 10 Article Number: 466, IF=3.845
  44. Modeling the l(+) lactic acid production via r. Oryzae nrrl 395 fermentation on biodiesel crude glycerol ,By:Dulf, EH (Dulf, Eva-H); Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan C.); Dulf, FV (Dulf, Francisc, V), 2019, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia Volume: 64 IF=0.275
  45. Pharmacogenetic Implications of eNOS Polymorphisms (Glu298Asp, T786C , 4b/4a) in Cardiovascular Drug Therapy ,Cozma, A (Cozma, Angela); Fodor, A (Fodor, Adriana); Orasan, OH (Orasan, Olga Hilda); Vulturar, R (Vulturar, Romana)[ 1,4 ] ; Samplelean, D (Samplelean, Dorel); Negrean, V (Negrean, Vasile); Muresan, C (Muresan, Crina); Suharoschi, R (Suharoschi, Ramona); Sitar-Taut, A (Sitar-Taut, Adela); 2019, IN VIVO Volume: 33 ( 4 ) Pages: 1051-1058; IF=1.609
  46. pH-dependent stability of honey bee (Apis mellifera) major royal jelly proteins ,Carmen I. Mureşan & Anja Buttstedt, 2019, Scientific Reports, no 9, IF=4.011
  47. Phytochemical Characterization of Commercial Processed Blueberry, Blackberry, Blackcurrant, Cranberry, and Raspberry and Their Antioxidant Activity ,Diaconeasa, Z.; Iuhas, C.I.; Ayvaz, H.; Rugină, D.; Stanilă, A.; Dulf, F.; Bunea, A.; Socaci, S.A.; Socaciu, C.; Pintea, A. Phytochemical Characterization of Commercial Processed Blueberry, Blackberry, Blackcurrant, Cranberry, and Raspberry and Their Antioxidant Activity. 2019, Antioxidants, 8, 540. IF=4.52
  48. Phytochemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Various Grain Amaranth Cultivars ,Andreea Stănilă , Bogdan Cioanca , Zoriţa Diaconeasa , Sorin Stănilă , Nicușor Sima , Rodica Maria Sima, , Not Bot Horti Agrobo, 2019, 47(4):1153-1160. DOI:10.15835/nbha47411714 IF=0.624
  49. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in corn grains ,Muntean E., Duda M., Muntean N., 2019, Bulletin UASVM Food Science and Technology, 76(2), 99-104, IF=0
  50. Polyphenols from Lycium barbarum (Goji) Fruit European Cultivars at Different Maturation Steps: Extraction, HPLC-DAD Analyses, and Biological Evaluation, Andrei Mocan 1,2 , Francesco Cairone 3, Marcello Locatelli 4 , Francesco Cacciagrano 4, Simone Carradori 4 , Dan C. Vodnar 5 , Gianina Cris, an 1, Giovanna Simonetti 6 and Stefania Cesa 3, 2019, Antioxidants, 8, 562; IF=4.52
  51. Quality parameters and grain yields of soybean varieties produced at ARDS Turda: a chemometric approach ,Muntean E., Urdă C., Simon A., Rezi R., 2019, Scientific Papers-Series A-Agronomy, IF=0
  52. Raman spectroscopy applications in rheumatology ,Hosu, C. D.; Moisoiu, V.; Stefancu, A.; Antonescu, E.; Leopold, L. F.; Leopold, N.; Fodor, D., 2019, Lasers in Medical Science, 34 (4), 827-834. IF=2.076
  53. Research on evolution of nitrite and nitrate content regarding milk processing in scalded cheese ,Dorin Tibulca, Mirela Jimborean*, Aurora Tibulca, 2019, Research on evolution of nitrite and nitrate content regarding milk processing in scalded cheese By: Tibulca, Dorin; Jimborean, Mirela; Tibulca, Aurora Romanian Biotechnological Letters Volume: 24 Issue: 5 Pages: 770-775  IF=0.59
  54. Screening of Ten Tomato Varieties Processing Waste for Bioactive Components and Their Related Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities ,Szabo, K.; Diaconeasa, Z.; Cătoi, A.-F.; Vodnar, D.C., 2019, Antioxidants, 8, 292. IF=4.52
  55. Sensory Profile and Acceptability of HydroSOStainable Almonds ,By:Lipan, L (Lipan, Leontina); Cano-Lamadrid, M (Cano-Lamadrid, Marina); Corell, M (Corell, Mireia) ; Sendra, E (Sendra, Esther); Hernandez, F (Hernandez, Francisca); Stan, L (Stan, Laura); Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan Cristian); Vazquez-Araujo, L (Vazquez-Araujo, Laura) ; Carbonell-Barrachina, AA (Carbonell-Barrachina, Angel A.), 2019, FOODS Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Article Number: 64, IF=3.011
  56. Simple and fast procedure to incorporate doxorubicine in small unilamellar liposomes: effects on liposome size and zeta potential ,Socaciu, Mihai Adrian; Diaconeasa, Zorita; Socaciu, Carmen,2019, STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABES-BOLYAI CHEMIA , 64: 3, 181-192, IF=0.275
  57. Solidago graminifolia L. Salisb. (Asteraceae) as a Valuable Source of Bioactive Polyphenols: HPLC Profile, In Vitro Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Potential ,By:Toiu, A (Toiu, Anca); Vlase, L (Vlase, Laurian); Vodnar, DC (Vodnar, Dan Cristian); Gheldiu, AM (Gheldiu, Ana-Maria); Oniga, I (Oniga, Ilioara), 2019, MOLECULES Volume: 24 Issue: 14 Article Number: 2666, IF=3.06
  58. Solid-State Yeast Fermented Wheat and Oat Bran as A Route for Delivery of Antioxidants ,Lavinia Florina Călinoiu, Adriana-Florinela Cătoi, Dan Cristian Vodnar, 2019, MDPI Antioxidants, IF=4.55
  59. Soybean Interaction with Engineered Nanomaterials: A Literature Review of Recent Data ,Coman, V.; Oprea, I.; Leopold, L. F.; Vodnar, D. C.; Coman, C., 2019, Nanomaterials, IF=4.034
  60. Technical and environmental assessment of selective recovery of tin and lead from waste solder alloy using direct anodic oxidation ,Szabolcs Fogarasi, Florica Imre-Lucaci, Melinda Fogarasi, Árpád Imre-Lucaci, 2019, Journal of Cleaner Production, IF=6.395
  61. The Effect of Diet on the Composition and Stability of Proteins Secreted by Honey Bees in Honey, Oleg Lewkows,Carmen I. Mureșan, Dirk Dobritzsch, Matthew Fuszard and Silvio Erler, 2019, INSECTS, IF=2.139
  62. The impact of copper oxide nanoparticles on the structure and applicability of bioactive glasses ,Klára Magyari, Zs Pap, Zsejke-Réka Tóth, Zs Kása, Emilia Licarete, DC Vodnar, K Hernadi, L Baia, 2019, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology (2019) 91:634–643 IF=1.98
  63. The role of Ag+, Ca2+, Pb2+ and Al3+ adions in the SERS turn-on effect of anionic analytes ,Stefania D. Iancu, Andrei Stefancu, Vlad Moisoiu, Loredana F. Leopold and Nicolae Leopold, 2019, Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., IF=2.269
  64. The Use of Chitosan, Alginate, and Pectin in the Biomedical and Food Sector—Biocompatibility, Bioadhesiveness, and Biodegradability ,Gheorghe Adrian Martău, Mihaela Mihai, Dan Cristian Vodnar, 2019, Polymers, IF=3.164
  65. Tomato Waste as a Source of Biologically Active Compounds ,Anca C. Fărcaş, Sonia A. Socaci, Delia Michiu, Suzana Biriş, Maria Tofană, 2019, Bulletin UASVM Food Science and Technology 76(1), IF=0
  66. Towards understanding the enhancement of antibacterial activity in manganese doped ZnO nanoparticles ,Amalia Mesaros, Bogdan S.Vasile, Dana Toloman, Oana Lelia Pop, Traian Marinca, Mihaela Unguresan, Ioana Perhaita, Miuta Filip, Florin Iordache, 2019, Applied Surface Science Volume 471, IF=5.155
  67. Toxicological Evaluation of Some Essential Oils Obtained from Selected Romania Lamiaceae Species in Complex with Hydroxypropyl – gamma-cyclodextrin ,Valentina Gabriela Gurita (Ciobotaru), Ioana Zinuca Pavel, Florin Borcan, Alina Moaca, Corina Danciu, Zorita Diaconeasa, Ilinca Imbrea, Daliborca Vlad, Victor Dumitrascu, Georgeta Pop, 2019, Revista De Chimie Founded in 1949, Edition: volume 70, IF=1.605
  68. Use of Pseudocereals Preferment Made with Aromatic Yeast Strains for Enhancing Wheat Bread Quality, ,Adriana Păucean , Simona Maria Man ,*, Maria Simona Chiş , Vlad Mureşan , Carmen Rodica Pop , Sonia Ancuţa Socaci , Crina Carmen Mureşan and Sevastiţa Muste, 2019, Foods, 8 (10), 443, 1-15 IF=3.011
  69. UV-light mediated green synthesis of silver and gold nanoparticles using Cornelian cherry fruit extract and their comparative effects in experimental inflammation ,Filip, GA ; Moldovan, B ; Baldea, I ; Olteanu, D; Suharoschi, R ; Decea, N ; Cismaru, CM ; Gal, E ; Cenariu, M ; Clichici, S ; David, L ; 2019, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B-BiologY, IF=4.067
  70. Warfarin-Capped Gold Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Cytotoxicity, and Cellular Uptake ,Leopold, L.F.; Rugină, D.; Oprea, I.; Diaconeasa, Z.; Leopold, N.; Suciu, M.; Coman, V.; Vodnar, D.C.; Pintea, A.; Coman, C. Warfarin-Capped Gold Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Cytotoxicity, and Cellular Uptake. 2019, Molecules, 24, 4145. IF=3.06



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